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What questions should I ask a potential advisor?

What questions should I ask a potential advisor?

Questions to Ask of Potential Graduate School Advisors

  • How many graduate students are you currently advising?
  • How many graduate students have graduated under your advisement in the last five years?
  • How long does a graduate student usually take to finish?
  • How much funding is available for your students?

What questions should I ask a potential PhD supervisor?

Questions to ask a potential supervisor before starting your PhD

  • What would you expect from me as a student, and what could I expect from you as a supervisor?
  • How many students do you supervise, and how often do you see them?
  • Is there funding available for conferences, publications and other research expenses?

How do you introduce yourself to a dissertation supervisor?

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Checklist: Formal email contact

  1. Use an appropriate salutation. Example: Dear Dr.
  2. Explain the purpose of your email. Example: I am writing in follow-up to our meeting on Monday.
  3. Be brief and clear about exactly what you want to say or ask.
  4. Express your appreciation in advance.
  5. Use an appropriate closing.

How do you talk to a potential PhD supervisor?

In most cases, the best way to make first contact with a potential PhD supervisor is by email. This should be a formal email, in many ways similar to an application cover letter.

What do you talk about with potential supervisors?

Topics to discuss with your potential supervisor

  • How many students are you currently supervising?
  • How big is the lab/team I will potentially be joining?
  • Could you provide names of current or former students who would be comfortable connecting with me to discuss their experience?

How do I talk to a PhD advisor?

To summarize, tips to have amazing graduate student – advisor meetings are:

  1. Always go your adviser’s office with some work done.
  2. Do not disappear.
  3. When stuck, go talk to your supervisor.
  4. Try to smile during meetings.
  5. You can talk about life problems.
  6. Always respect an adviser’s time.
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How do you approach a potential supervisor?

When you are ready to contact potential supervisors, approaching them by email is a good initial step. Ensure that your messages are tailored to each professor, not generic. You must catch the interest of the professor quickly and make a good first impression. Write a concise and professional letter.

What are some tips for getting along with my professor?

Here’s another tip where self-awareness is key. Email using your student email address, if you have one. If you don’t or you can’t use it for some reason, be very conscious about what your private email address is communicating to your professor.

How do you greet a professor in an email?

Dr. Vokes notes that a casual greeting, though, can be appropriate in some situations. Consider how well you know the professor. If you’ve already corresponded with this professor through email and in class, you may wish to use a more casual greeting. Dr. Vokes states, “I’m totally fine with ‘Hi Dr. Vokes.’

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What to do if a professor doesn’t respond to an email?

If the professor doesn’t respond in a week or so, send a follow up email gently reminding them of your initial email, and asking again for their response. If they ignore you again, best to probably give up. But professors are busy and distracted, and it may take a little extra effort to get through. Good luck!

Why is it important to write a good email to professors?

Having a firm grasp of the English language doesn’t end with spelling and capitalization. Clarity in the content of your email is vital if you want your professor to respond positively. If an email isn’t well written, it can be difficult to understand its content.