
What really happened to Aerea Targaryen?

What really happened to Aerea Targaryen?

By the hour of the bat, after sunset, Septon Barth announced that Aerea had died. She was cremated the next day at sunrise. It was announced that Aerea had died of a fever, which was only partially true. Ser Lucamore said that the princess’s fever was so hot that he could feel it through his armor.

Are the targaryens extinct?

House Targaryen is now officially extinct.

What is injured Balerion?

But where Balerion’s shot to the head killed the full-grown dragon, who was already much older than Drogon is now, Drogon’s injuries on Game of Thrones probably aren’t as bad as they might seem. But as it stands, it seems like Drogon will live to fight another battle.

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How long did Balerion live?

two hundred years old
Balerion lived to be two hundred years old and died in Aegon’s grandson’s reign, King Jaehaerys I. His last rider was King Viserys I Targaryen, who refused to ride any other dragon. It was said that one day the largest and fiercest of the Targaryen dragons simply died in his sleep.

Did the Targaryens cause the Doom?

No, they did not. They were long gone by the time of the Doom. The Braavosi Faceless Men did.

Will House Targaryen go extinct in the books?

So… at least according to my beliefs, House Targaryen will not be extinct by the end of the books, with plenty of people being able to claim their ancestry from Aegon the Conqueror. But in legal terms, yeah… pretty much. Dany will probably die, with an unborn child in her belly.

What happened to Aerea Targaryen father?

Upon the death of Aerea’s grandfather, King Aenys I Targaryen, the crown had been claimed by her uncle Maegor, who thereby usurped the claim of her father Aegon. Aegon finally went to battle against Maegor in 43 AC, but was killed in battle later that year.

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Are the horrors of Aerea Targaryen the “judgment of the gods” fleshworms?

The “horrors” Septon Barth witnessed (and account hidden) upon the death of Aerea Targaryen The “judgment of the gods” fleshworms unlike any seen before seen with the death of Aegon IV “The Unworthy”. Suppose that (a) and (b) are the same phenomenon. The horrors ARE the “judgment of the gods” fleshworms.

What happened to Aerea in Dragonstone?

Aerea disappeared from Dragonstone towards the end of 54 AC, claiming and flying away on the dragon Balerion, who had made his lair on the island after the death of his previous rider, King Maegor I Targaryen.

Is there a history of House Targaryen in fire and blood?

A complete history of House Targaryen is planned for Fire and Blood, to be published several years after the completion of A Song of Ice and Fire. House Targaryen was one of the forty ancient noble houses known as dragonlords who ruled the Valyrian Freehold, a great empire spanning much of Essos.

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