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What should a college dropout do in India?

What should a college dropout do in India?

Best Courses For School and College Dropouts In India

  • Mobile Repairing Course.
  • CCTV Installation Course.
  • Gym Trainer Courses.
  • Lab Technician (DMLT Course)
  • Computer Hardware & Networking Technician.
  • Electrician Course.
  • Auxiliary Courses – The Key to Better Employment.

Can a dropout student get a job?

So, being a college dropout, if you get some real-time experience, you can definitely land a job. Look for data science roles that don’t require more experience or where a degree isn’t mentioned. Make the most out of LinkedIn. This platform could be your best friend when you look for a job.

Why do so many students dropout from government colleges in India?

The main reasons are: Poverty in some cases: A lot of indians dropout because private colleges and schools ask for a large sum of money and government schools basically do not care a lot about students. Also, when it comes to higher education, government colleges are very competitive. It ia difficult to secure a seat there.

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What are the solutions for school dropouts in India?

Conclusively, the solutions for school dropouts in India entirely rely on providing adequate and quality resources and the introduction of skill-based learning in the curriculum. The future of this country in the hands of students, 50\% of whom in many states are leaving education. Don’t you think this is the time to wake up?

Why is it so difficult to find a job in India?

No company will leave a person who got stuff. It is not at all difficult to find a job in India unless until you have capability to do that particular job. If a person is incapable of doing a particular job he/she will not get a job anywhere in the world not only India.

Why is it so hard for recruiters to find jobs?

No wonder it is so hard to find a job. Not only is time an issue for the overwhelmed recruiter, more often than not, they are lacking the necessary training. Many recruiters begin their career right out of college. They are not experts in any particular field.