
What should I do if I have low marks?

What should I do if I have low marks?

How to Handle the Disappointment After Getting Low Marks in Exams?

  1. Comparisons. It’s really funny how comparisons are drawn.
  2. Sinking Confidence. If you couldn’t do well even after strenuous preparations, it is obvious that you’d feel down.
  3. Take Selective Feedback.
  4. Think About Loved Ones.
  5. Re-Evaluation.

Is 88 a bad test score?

In the U.S., this is a B+, good, solid grade above average. There is room for improvement, but it is solidly good. If your overall average is an 88, you will probably graduate with honors, or very nearly so.

Are my LSAT scores “too low” to attend law school?

People often ask me whether their scores are “too low” to attend law school. If your score is 150 or above, it’s not a particularly low score, depending on which law school you want to attend and how your GPA balances your LSAT for that school.

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Should teachers be expected to have good test scores?

On the contrary, putting pressure on the teacher to have a class of good test scores to avoid no salary increase and or possible job loss is not the right way to go about gauging a teacher’s ability. Some students are just not good with tests, while others may have no intrinsic motivation to do well.

What happens when a whole class fails a test?

While when a whole class fails it signals a problem, this problem does not always mean the teacher isn’t qualified. On the contrary, putting pressure on the teacher to have a class of good test scores to avoid no salary increase and or possible job loss is not the right way to go about gauging a teacher’s ability.

How do you know if you got a bad grade?

You hear joyful screams of 96s, 98s, 93s, all high-quality grades. You smile, eager to see your paper. When the paper reaches you, your smile falters. At the top of the paper, circled in a big red pen, is a big fat B-. Everyone receives bad grades at one point or another.