
What specific information of importance is provided in the first voyage around the world?

What specific information of importance is provided in the first voyage around the world?

It opened doors in the places where they passed, where people, ideas and goods were coming and going. It established commercial contacts between East and West that remained for centuries. Also, it promoted the exchange of multiple sorts of experiences (scientific, cultural, religious…).

What is the importance of voyage?

having and using a voyage plan is “of essential importance for safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation and protection of the marine environment,” voyage planning is necessary for all types of vessels on all types of voyages, and.

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What is the importance of the first voyage around the world by Antonio Pigafetta?

The relevance of his own venture, fundamentally lies in the fact that he took part to the first globe circumnavigation, between 1519 and 1522, and he was able to accomplish it after the murder of Ferdinand Magellan, leaving a detailed description of the journey in the Report of the first trip around the world, a lost …

What are the key information details provided by Antonio Pigafetta?

Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian scholar and explorer. He joined the expedition to the Spice Islands led by explorer Ferdinand Magellan under the flag of the emperor Charles V and after Magellan’s death in the Philippine Islands, the subsequent voyage around the world.

What is the importance of Antonio Pigafetta in Magellan’s life?

During the expedition, he served as Magellan’s assistant and kept an accurate journal, which later assisted him in translating the Cebuano language. It is the first recorded document concerning the language.

What is the significance of the Magellan’s expedition to the maritime and to the world?

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The Magellan expedition, also known as the Magellan-Elcano expedition, resulted in the first recorded circumnavigation of the Earth in 1522. It is considered by many as one of the most important events in history for its scientific, socio-economic, political, philosophic and theological consequences.

What is the importance of Spanish expedition?

Nevertheless, the said expedition was considered historic because it marked the first circumnavigation of the globe and proved that the world was round.

What was the significance of Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage which began in 1519 *?

In search of fame and fortune, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480-1521) set out from Spain in 1519 with a fleet of five ships to discover a western sea route to the Spice Islands. En route he discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan and became the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.

Why was Magellan’s voyage important?

The Magellan expedition, also known as the Magellan -Elcano expedition, was sponsored by the Hispanic Monarchy aiming to find a maritime route sailing westwards from Europe to the East Indies across the Pacific Ocean, ultimately resulting in the first recorded circumnavigation of the Earth in 1522. It is considered by many as one of the most important events in History for its scientific , socio

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What impact did Ferdinand Magellan have on the world?

Ferdinand Magellan. Impact on the world Magellan is credited with the first circumnavigation. around the world. This would give proof that the world. was round which would give new trade routes. passage which would later be named the Strait of Magellan.

What happened to Magellan and his crew?

Ferdinand Magellan’s remaining crew return to Spain. The casualties suffered in the Philippines left the expedition with too few men to sail all three of the remaining ships. Consequently, on May 2 they abandoned Concepción and burned the ship. The fleet, reduced to Trinidad and Victoria, fled westward to Palawan .

What route did Magellan take?

The route Magellan took was pretty straightforward. He went along the coast of Europe down to around Africa then cut across the Atlantic. Next he went around the tip South America. When he reached the Pacific he named it Pacific which means peaceful.