
What stool softener is safe for everyday use?

What stool softener is safe for everyday use?

In general, bulk-forming laxatives, also referred to as fiber supplements, are the gentlest on your body and safest to use long term. Metamucil and Citrucel fall into this category.

How often can you take a stool softener?

Do not take stool softeners for more than 1 week unless your doctor directs you to. If sudden changes in bowel habits last longer than 2 weeks or if your stools are still hard after you have taken this medicine for 1 week, call your doctor.

How often can you take stool softeners a day?

take with a glass of water – adults and children 12 years of age and over take 1 to 3 softgels daily. This dose may be taken as a single daily dose or in divided doses.

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Can you become dependent on stool softeners?

Don’t take stimulant laxatives regularly. Taking them for a long period of time can change the tone of your large intestine and cause it to stop functioning correctly. If this happens, your colon may become dependent on laxatives to have a bowel movement.

Is Colace safe to take daily?

Occasional constipation should resolve within one week. Colace is generally safe to be taken long term with the guidance of a healthcare provider and may be prescribed to prevent constipation associated with other medications or conditions known to cause constipation.

Is it safe to take 2 stool softeners daily?

Over-the-counter stool softeners are effective for some people. However, in controlled clinical trials, there is no evidence that they improve symptoms. While they only are intended for short-term relief of constipation, using a daily stool softener long-term probably is not harmful.

What happens if you take too much stool softener?

What happens if I overdose on Stool Softener + Stimulant Laxative(Oral)? Overdose symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, or diarrhea.

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Are stool softeners bad for kidneys?

The FDA is warning that taking more than the recommended daily dose of OTC sodium phosphate laxative products to treat constipation can cause rare but serious harm to the kidneys and heart, and even death.

Is Colace safe for long term use?

Colace is generally safe to be taken long term with the guidance of a healthcare provider and may be prescribed to prevent constipation associated with other medications or conditions known to cause constipation. Dulcolax is indicated only in the treatment of occasional constipation.

How many stool softeners can I take in a day?

Generally, stool softeners produce effects in 12-24 hours, sometimes more than that, and you may have to take more than one. However, I only recommend 2 stool softeners a day.

How often can I take a stool softener?

One to three days of regular use usually are needed for this medicine to take effect. Do not take stool softeners for more than 1 week unless your doctor directs you to.

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Is it safe to take stool softeners every day?

Yes, you can take the stool softener everyday. Make sure you drink a lot of water and get as active as you can… Good luck… yes, you can take it every day, however, your body can become dependent on it to have a bowel movement.

How long is it safe to take a stool softener for?

Stool softeners are intended for occasional use-do not take them for longer than seven days in a row without prior approval from your physician. Do not give stool softeners to children who are under the age of six years old, without approval from a doctor.