Tips and tricks

What things were invented by accident?

What things were invented by accident?

9 Things Invented By Accident

  • Penicillin.
  • Corn Flakes.
  • Teflon.
  • Slinky.
  • Silly Putty.
  • Post-It Notes.
  • Saccharin.
  • Popsicles.

What was Listerine originally made for Mental Floss?

Listerine was invented 133 years ago, first as a surgical antiseptic, but also as a cure for gonorrhea (don’t try that at home).

How inventions are made?

Ideas for an invention may be developed on paper or on a computer, by writing or drawing, by trial and error, by making models, by experimenting, by testing and/or by making the invention in its whole form. Brainstorming also can spark new ideas for an invention.

What was mouthwash originally used for?

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For decades after Listerine first hit the market in the 1880s, it was kind of a jack-of-all trades product. Originally invented as a surgical antiseptic (and named after the founding father of antiseptics, Dr. Joseph Lister), its uses were varied—they including foot cleaning, floor scrubbing and gonorrhea treating.

What is Colgate Plax?

Colgate Plax contains cetyl pyridinium chloride (CPC) providing your patients with 12 hour protection against bacteria and plaque. It has a great refreshing taste and gives your patients long lasting fresh breath. Colgate Plax, used in conjunction with brushing and flossing, provides a complete plaque control system.

What are some unique products?

Here are some of our top picks for the most unique product design.

  • Etienne Louis Espresso Machine. Created by Swiss designer Carlo Borer, this bad boy looks has a bit of a Death Star vibe to it.
  • iPod Touch Bedding.
  • Tekio Modular Lighting.
  • 3D Fetus.
  • The Opena.
  • Face Mug with Cookie Holder.
  • Leather Dragon Backpack.
  • Light Up Shoe.
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How can I invent a product?

How to Turn Your Invention Idea Into a Product

  1. Step 1: Document and Record Your Invention Ideas.
  2. Step 2: Make Sure Your Invention is Not Already Patented.
  3. Step 3: Do Some Research to Make Sure Your Idea Has a Market.
  4. Step 4: Make a Prototype (i.e., prove your idea can work in real life)
  5. Step 5: File a Patent.

What are some products that were originally invented for something else?

11 Successful Products Originally Invented for Something Else. 1 1. Kotex. Duke University Libraries Digital Collection. 2 2. Kleenex. 3 3. Bubble Wrap. 4 4. Nalgene. 5 5. Lysol.

Is your new product being used the way you imagined?

No matter what need or purpose your new product was designed to fill, customers are not always going to use them in the way you imagined. The unintended use of products has been going on as long as new products have been made.

What are some examples of successful products made for a purpose?

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We collected 11 examples of products that have been remarkably successful, despite being intended for a completely different purpose. Coca-Cola started out as a cure for morphine addiction. Dr. John Pemberton, who invented the original formulation of the black syrupy soft drink in 1886, had been badly injured in the battle of Columbus.

What is unintended use of products?

The unintended use of products has been going on as long as new products have been made. From concepts as simple as lighters used as bottle openers to pliers used as hammers, people will often use a device that they have at hand even if it hasn’t been marketed for that specific task.