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What to do after failing in GATE?

What to do after failing in GATE?

Here are ways to deal with the setback that you suffered by failing your GATE exam!

  1. Analyze your Situation- Feeling awful about what has been done in the past will do you no good for your future.
  2. Create A Good Routine – Your lifestyle contributes a lot to your success as well to your failures.

Do I need to drop a year for GATE preparation?

I just suggest you to not to spend a year for GATE prep if you are an average student like me. If you already have good grip on subject and want to nail it to IITs, I would say go ahead. For average students one single good advice, leave the crap out of your mind, rush and join M. Dropping A Year For GATE Preparation.

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Should I take a year to prepare for the gate?

I just suggest you to not to spend a year for GATE prep if you are an average student like me. If you already have good grip on subject and want to nail it to IITs, I would say go ahead. For average students one single good advice, leave the crap out of your mind, rush and join M.Tech wherever you get.

What are the benefits of clearing the gate?

A. Clearing GATE is also an eligibility clause for the award of Junior Research Fellowship in CSIR Laboratories. The GATE score is valid for three years and those who qualify for this test are eligible for doing a Master’s degree at NUS, (National University of Singapore), Singapore.

Do you still wonder after the GATE exam?

It’s a very very common question every single student have in their mind before starting the GATE preparation and many still wonder after the GATE exam. As an average student, I was in similar situation many times right from engineering till PhD.

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What are the benefits of a good GATE score?

The GATE score makes you eligible for their sponsorship programs, which continues for two years. These sponsorships are offered with a clause that once the M. Tech or ME is completed the candidates must work for the organization providing sponsorship for a few years. Thus a good GATE score offers you a lot of benefits.