
What to do if a bear approaches you in the wild?

What to do if a bear approaches you in the wild?

Here’s what the experts say:

  1. If you encounter a grizzly, do not run.
  2. Avoid direct eye contact.
  3. Walk away slowly, if the bear is not approaching.
  4. If the bear charges, stand your ground (you cannot outrun it).
  5. Don’t scream or yell.
  6. If you have pepper spray, prepare to use it.

Do wild bears attack humans?

The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid.

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Do I run if I see a bear?

If the bear is stationary, move away slowly and sideways; this allows you to keep an eye on the bear and avoid tripping. Moving sideways is also non-threatening to bears. Do NOT run, but if the bear follows, stop and hold your ground. Always leave the bear an escape route.

Do bears stalk humans?

Most fatal attacks by North American black bears during the past century were conducted by lone, male animals that stalked and then killed their human victims as prey, according to a new study by the world’s top authority on what triggers bear attacks.

What to do if you encounter a black bear?

What to do if you encounter a black bear. Make as much noise as possible by yelling, banging pots and pans or using other noisemaking devices. If the bear approaches and you have bear spray, spray the bear as he approaches. In the very rare case that a black bear does attack you, fight back (don’t play dead).

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What to do if you encounter a bear in the wilderness?

If you encounter a bear on the trail, or in your campsite, stop what you are doing and evaluate the situation. Identify yourself by speaking in a calm, appeasing tone. Back away slowly, preferably in the direction you came. Walk, don’t run, and keep your eye on the bear so you can see how it will react.

What do you need to know about bear safety?

Know What to Expect. Where are you headed?

  • Know Your Bears. Basically,there are three types of bear you can encounter in North America: polar bears,black bears and brown (or grizzly) bears ( 2 ).
  • Take Precautions.
  • Travel in a group.
  • Bear defence.
  • Keep your eye on the trail.
  • Watch your odors!
  • Watch your pets!