Tips and tricks

What to do if a friend makes you uncomfortable?

What to do if a friend makes you uncomfortable?

10 Ways To Deal With Men Who Make You Feel Uncomfortable

  1. Set Limits.
  2. Do Not Look Away.
  3. Learn To Say No.
  4. Practice Being Direct.
  5. Don’t Let Someone Make You Feel Guilty.
  6. Take Charge Of The Situation.
  7. Avoid It All Together.
  8. Involve An Older Person.

How do you tell a friend how you feel?

Write it down. Writing down what you want to say can help clarify your thoughts. Using ‘I’ statements is an effective way to communicate your feelings. Statements that begin with ‘you’, such as ‘You never come to my house’, can seem like a personal attack so your friend might get defensive.

How to get better friends?

Communicate with others with honesty and tact. Be willing to voice your own perspective and your genuine feelings, but…

  • Always be a person of your word and stand behind the promises and intentions you make regarding your commitments to…
  • As a corollary, be willing to trust your friends, as well. Most of us feel good about ourselves…
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    What are the best ways to make friends?

    In my opinion, the best way to meet new people (and therefore, make new friends) is through activities. The more people you come in contact with, the greater chance you have of finding one or two that you really click with. Make a goal to branch out and try new things, and as a result you’ll meet new friends.

    What are some uncomfortable situations?

    When you wave to someone you don’t know and then try to play it cool. Look,they probably didn’t even realize you were waving at them.

  • Or when you start laughing really hard and no one else is amused. Pity the fool who does this in a meeting or lecture.
  • When your stomach starts to make noises in the middle of an otherwise quiet room.
  • Actually farting.