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What to do if you are questioning God?

What to do if you are questioning God?

What to do When You Find Yourself Questioning God’s Plan For You

  1. Identify the Source of Doubt.
  2. Spend Some Time in the Word.
  3. Don’t Forget to Pray.

What do you do when your teenager doesn’t believe in God?

How should we respond to our children who don’t believe in God or doubt our Christian faith?

  1. Remember, your child’s belief in God is NOT your job.
  2. Show the love of Jesus to your unbelieving child!
  3. Empathize with your child’s doubts and struggles.
  4. Ask truly curious questions about faith.

How can a teen be godly?

Have a great, enjoyable teenage Christian life!…Be active and involved in good things with your family and friends.

  1. Set a good example for children and younger teenagers.
  2. Do your best in school.
  3. If you have a job, be a diligent worker, complete all your tasks on time and try to get along with your boss and co-workers.
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Is questioning faith normal?

Struggling with faith is normal; it’s part of growing. It’s normal to have questions about God. Sometimes taking faith and the questions it poses seriously means struggling with faith. And sometimes it causes you to have doubts. But as long as there’s a kernel of belief left in you, you have not lost your faith.

How do I start my faith in God?

Here are five ways I try to keep faith when it seems impossible:

  1. Pray. Ask God, the universe, or whatever higher force you believe in for the strength to love to your full potential.
  2. Be generous to others.
  3. Get inspired.
  4. Surround yourself with people you admire.
  5. Get the ball rolling first thing in the morning.

How do you respond to a question about your faith?

Be prepared (verse 15) This means you need to organize some of your thoughts ahead of time. And when asked a question about your faith, seize the 5-second window to respond. There’s an ideal moment to respond to someone’s question. If you wait too long, you may have missed the opportunity, and it may be awkward.

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Is it okay to doubts your faith?

Doubt is not comfortable. But don’t ignore it. Be honest about it. Allow the tension you feel in your heart and mind because of your doubt drive you into God’s Word and prayer. This article is courtesy of HomeLife Magazine. I once heard a well-meaning pastor say that in his many years of following Christ, he had never doubted his faith.

How should I pray when my faith is being tested?

When your faith is being tested, you should seek the Lord’s guidance in prayer and through His Word, the Bible. Many times, when something happens, praying and learning what God is saying about our situation is the last thing we want to do. But it is the most important thing we can do.

Should I be afraid when someone questions my faith?

But don’t fear. When someone questions your faith, you don’t have to hit a home run; you just have to step up to the plate. Faithfulness is your job; effectiveness is God’s. You may not think your few words make a difference or having any meaning. But don’t rule them out.