Tips and tricks

What to say to an ex that you want to be friends with?

What to say to an ex that you want to be friends with?

First, you can say: “I understand that we were together for a while and it is hard to be apart. Right now, being friends with you is not something I’m ready or able to do. I will reach out to you in the future if anything changes.” Another option is to be a little bit more gentle.

How do I tell my ex I want to be friends?

Tell him directly that you want to be friends. Simply say, “I hope we can still be friends” or ask the question “We’re still friends, right?” Don’t leave this issue unaddressed – if you’re vague about what you want from your new relationship, he might think you’re trying to get back together with him.

Is it bad to want to be friends with your ex?

“There’s nothing wrong with remaining friends with an ex under certain circumstances,” Jonathan Bennett, a certified counselor and dating expert, tells Bustle. “In fact, considering that many breakups are filled with drama and discord, remaining on friendly terms can be a sign of maturity in your partner.”

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How do you tell an ex you cant be friends?

Simply say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t actually want to be friends with you,” or, “No. Being friends isn’t going to work for me.” Don’t make promises or offers for the future. Sure, you might end up being friends again at some point, but there’s no reason to promise that now.

Is it possible to remain best friends with your ex?

Remaining friends with an ex is one of the most difficult emotional trials you can go through. It requires an abundance of self-awareness, swallowing your pride, mutual respect and understanding, and self-control .

Should you remain friends with an ex?

If you stay friends immediately after and continue spending time with your ex, you won’t be able to fully process the loss. So, for starters, you need to embark on an ex detox. Unfollow them on all social channels ASAP. Trolling through your ex’s Facebook feed will only spark feelings of anxiety and jealousy.

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Does my ex just want to be friends?

Your ex may want to be friends because they, wrongly, think it will be a kinder way to breakup with you. They are genuinely thinking of your feelings and trying to soften the blow. But they’ve failed to really consider how that would affect you. They feel guilty and are trying to make themselves feel better.

How do you know if your ex boyfriend still loves you?

Reading the Signs Look for your ex and observe whether he or she is always around you. Notice whether your ex stays in touch. Check out your ex’s reaction when he or she sees you. Notice whether your ex touches you a lot. Find out if your ex still talks to your family. Listen to your friends. Notice when your ex won’t give back your stuff.