Tips and tricks

What type of people believe in reincarnation?

What type of people believe in reincarnation?

The major religions that hold a belief in reincarnation, however, are Asian religions, especially Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, all of which arose in India.

Is it possible to turn into a cat?

Lycanthropy, the transformation of a human into a wolf (or werewolf), is probably the best known form of therianthropy, followed by cynanthropy (transformation into a dog) and ailuranthropy (transformation into a cat). The weredog or cynanthrope is also known in Timor.

Do You Believe in reincarnation?

I believe reincarnation IS a choice. You are the final decision maker of whether you reincarnate, AND, the future life you will live. When you choose a life, you choose your body, sex, parents, friends, and acquaintances who will help guide you into certain experiences so you can learn lessons you deem important.

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Can a baby be reincarnated as a grown-up?

Whatever lessons you need to learn will necessarily involve other souls and their own reincarnation. This is because no one becomes reincarnated as a grown-up right away. Every reincarnating soul re-enters the material world, or earth, as a baby. Why does it have to be as a baby?

Are You a soul in the spirit world planning your reincarnation?

Assume you are a soul in the Spirit World planning, at this very moment, your next reincarnation. Your planning takes place under the guidance of spiritual mentors, also known as your Spirit Guides. It’s not just you, though, and the Guides, who are involved in planning. Other souls are also consulted.

Should you pay off bad karma or reincarnate?

Reincarnation and paying off bad karma are the means to help you learn how to treat others. And most souls take hundreds and hundreds of incarnations to get it right. Strength and wisdom are not given to any soul. We gain strength and wisdom through our experiences along with trial and error.