
What type of people marry a narcissist?

What type of people marry a narcissist?

There are two types of people who’ll marry an extreme narcissist: a people-pleaser or another narcissist. One narcissist will marry another, perhaps even more extreme narcissist, to establish a mutually-exploitative and mutually beneficial relationship.

Can a narcissist be a good husband?

Many people with narcissistic personality disorder appear to be in a successful and happy marriage. Their social media posts show them laughing together over a special dinner, walking hand-in-hand along the beach, and even renewing their marriage vows in front of friends and family.

What to expect when you marry a narcissist?

What to Expect When you Marry a Narcissist. If you are planning to marry a narcissist, here is a list of things to expect in your relationship. Realize that you will be marrying a person who is incapable of having a healthy, intimate, interpersonal relationship because narcissism is a characterological disorder.

Can a narcissist have a happy marriage?

Narcissists can be happily married… to compliant, subservient, self-deprecating and indiscriminately supportive spouses. They also can be happily married to masochists. However, a healthy, normal person would not be happy in an intimate-less narcissistic relationship.

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Who marries an extreme narcissist?

There are two types of people who’ll marry an extreme narcissist: a people-pleaser or another narcissist . One narcissist will marry another, perhaps even more extreme narcissist, to establish a mutually-exploitative and mutually beneficial relationship.

How do you deal with a narcissistic husband?

Take back your confidence. Narcissistic relationships can negatively impact your confidence. Start building it back. Use that confidence to handle the situations your husband throws you, use it to stay strong when he lies, and use it to stay calm when he may not respond well to your attempts to talk.