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What villains know who Batman is?

What villains know who Batman is?

10 Villains Who Figured Out Batman’s Secret Identity (& How)

  • 3 Chronos.
  • 4 Owlman.
  • 5 Talia Al Ghul.
  • 6 Killer Moth.
  • 7 Amanda Waller.
  • 8 Despero.
  • 9 Bane.
  • 10 Ra’s Al Ghul. Ra’s Al Ghul found out about Batman’s identity as Bruce Wayne by following his money.

Does anyone know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

Barbara tells Terry the only other person who knew what happened the night Joker died was her father. Since he already knew his daughter was Batgirl, it can be deduced that he learned Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Does Fox know Bruce is Batman?

Lucius Fox was ran Wayne Enterprises. Fox knew Bruce Wayne was Batman and provided him with vehicles and gadgets.

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Does deathstroke know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

9 Deathstroke His knowledge did endure the continuity shattering events of reboots like the New 52 and Rebirth. In the “Deathstroke vs. Batman” storyline from 2018’s Deathstroke ongoing series, readers discover that Wilson still retains knowledge of Bruce Wayne’s nocturnal activities.

Did the Joker know Batman was behind him?

The Joker knows, but he can’t bring himself to listen. Throughout their storied relationship, the Joker has known Batman’s true identity and has chosen to ignore it.

Does Jim Gordon know Batman is Bruce Wayne?

Yes, at the end of The Dark Knight Rises Bruce Wayne not only indicated his identity to Jim Gordon, Gordon said it aloud and confirmed that he understood Bruce’s identity as Batman.

Is Bruce Wayne and Batman the same person?

Hiding in the shadows of his beloved Gotham city the caped crusader brings fear into the hearts of Gotham villains. As such, he’s very careful about who finds out the truth about his secret identity, since if people knew that Bruce Wayne and Batman were the same people, they could ruin Bruce’s life and his superhero activity.

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Why is Batman so careful about finding out who he is?

As such, he’s very careful about who finds out the truth about his secret identity, since if people knew that Bruce Wayne and Batman were the same people, they could ruin Bruce’s life and his superhero activity. But over the years of his long existence, many heroes found out who Batman was, and so did some of the villains.

Why doesn’t the Joker care about Bruce Wayne?

Throughout their storied relationship, the Joker has known Batman’s true identity and has chosen to ignore it. He simply can’t bring himself to care about Bruce Wayne the human. He cares for Batman the immortal, the god-like being who has ratified Joker’s sad existence.

What is Batman’s biggest weakness as a character?

He’s got the means, the opportunity, and the motive. It’s not a bad argument, but possibly its biggest weakness is that it’s based on the assumption that Batman’s been able to keep his identity secret, and that’s not as true as you may think. Over the years, Batman’s secrets have made the rounds.