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What was one reason why many people were unhappy with the Catholic Church?

What was one reason why many people were unhappy with the Catholic Church?

Toward the end of the Middle Ages, many people became unhappy with the behavior of high-ranking officials in the Catholic Church. At the same time, many Christians were searching for new ways to express their devotion to God. Their concerns triggered a movement for reform.

How did the purpose of the Roman Catholic Church changed over time?

How did the purpose of the church change over time. What new roles did the church have. The church allowed people who are not roman catholic in because New France became a royal colony. The number of settlers increased and more priests were needed for the people in the seigneurs and the towns.

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What were the problems in the Catholic Church?

The problems of the Catholic Church most commonly mentioned by respondents are related to misbehaviour of priests and issues related to their sexuality. Over two-fifths of respondents (43\%) consider cases of paedophilia among priests to be the biggest problem facing the Church.

Why did the church became so powerful?

The Catholic Church became very rich and powerful during the Middle Ages. People gave the church 1/10th of their earnings in tithes. Because the church was considered independent, they did not have to pay the king any tax for their land. Leaders of the church became rich and powerful.

What was the major complaints people had about the Catholic Church?

Three complaints people had about the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1500’s are ,people thought the pope was involved too much with politics,some people said that the priest and bishops weren’t religious any more,and they said the priest didn’t know the basic church teachings.

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Why did so many Europeans criticize the Catholic Church at the time of the Reformation?

Many Europeans thought the church was too powerful and too corrupt. The leader of the Catholic Church, the Pope, would tell the rulers how to live and what to do, and how they should govern their people. Sale of Indulgences–The Catholic Church sold “indulgences,” or forgiveness of a sin.

What was the initial purpose of the Roman Catholic Church?

it was influential in the government and in education. It provided comfort for the sick, the poor, and the helpless, and contributed to everyday life in the parishes.

What are the common issues that the church is facing today?

It appears alcoholism, substance abuse, domestic violence, greediness, sexual immorality and promiscuity are commonly seen within the church going population. It appears our pulpits and Christian platforms are silent when it comes to the issue of sin and immoral behaviour.

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What are the lasting effects of the Protestant Reformation?

Ultimately the Protestant Reformation led to modern democracy, skepticism, capitalism, individualism, civil rights, and many of the modern values we cherish today. The Protestant Reformation increased literacy throughout Europe and ignited a renewed passion for education.