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What was Russia like before the First World War?

What was Russia like before the First World War?

More than four-fifths of Russia’s massive population were peasants: poor farmers working small holdings of land; they were uneducated, illiterate, unworldly, religious, superstitious and suspicious about change. The industrialisation of the late 1800s had given rise to a new industrial working class.

What was the goal of Russia’s great program?

Finally approved on the very eve of the war, on 24 June (7 July) 1914, and calculated to take four years, its main focus was preparing Russia’s armed forces for only a short war, as most attention was paid to increasing the numbers of first line troops.

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When did Russia start preparing for ww1?

Russia entered World War I in the three days succeeding July 28, 1914 — beginning with Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia, a Russian ally. Via St Petersburg, the Russian Empire sent an ultimatum to Vienna warning Austria-Hungary not to attack Serbia.

What was the economic and social condition of Russia before the Russian Revolution?

The Social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905 was backward: Social Conditions – 85\% of Russia’s population was agriculturist. Industry was existent, but rarely in which most of was privately owned. Workers were divided on the basis of their occupation.

What was the condition of Russia during the First World War State any three effects of war on the Russian economy?

(i) Russia had few industries and the country was cut off from other supplies of industrial goods by German control of the Baltic Sea. (ii) Industrial equipment disintegrated more rapidly in Russia than elsewhere in Europe. By 1916, railway lines began to break down. (iii) Able-bodied men were sent to fight the war.

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Why did the Russian Empire fight in WW1?

The Russian Empire entered the war in order to preserve its Great Power status, but it ended the war in a bout of revolution and decolonization. The army had a mixed record in the war, losing several key battles but remaining a dangerous force until the middle of 1917.

What changes did Alexander II bring to the Russian Empire?

Defeat in the Crimean War, however, proved decisive in moving Alexander II and such leading figures as Peter Valuev, minister of the interior, to initiate fundamental changes. The cornerstone of the Great Reforms was the emancipation of Russia’s peasants. They fell into three groups.

How successful was the Russian Army in World War I?

For long stretches of the war, however, Russian arms were quite successful, taking and recapturing Eastern Galicia and occupying Eastern Anatolia and Northern Persia. More to the point, even the large battlefield setbacks did not spell defeat.

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Why did Russia delay militarization of the Balkans?

Russia had incentive to delay militarization, and the majority of its leaders wanted to avoid war. However, Russia had the support of France and feared that a failure to defend Serbia would lead to the loss of Russian credibility, constituting a major political defeat in its goal of controlling the Balkans.