
What was solved in interstellar?

What was solved in interstellar?

At the end of the movie Cooper arrives at “Cooper station”, a giant habitable space station with a cylindrical interior which was near Saturn at the time–many such stations were built, and apparently when Murph solved the gravity problem (by finding a theory of quantum gravity with the help of the data Cooper sent her …

What causes gravity simple answer?

The answer is gravity: an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other. So, the closer objects are to each other, the stronger their gravitational pull is. Earth’s gravity comes from all its mass. All its mass makes a combined gravitational pull on all the mass in your body.

What does Murphy’s law suggest about space exploration?

Murphy’s law suggests that “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” This movie plays with the idea of space exploration, time, and gravity, as Earth and the human race is on the verge of extinction.

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Could Murphy have been on a different space station?

So it is quite possible that Murphy was on a different space station. To sum up, all we know till the last scene in the movie is that human race from earth survived and they were living on space stations. Also, a habitable planet (Edmund’s planet) is found by Amelia but till that point she was alone on it.

Can data collected from a black hole solve the gravity problem?

In Interstellar, the team hopes that data collected from the inside of a black hole will solve “the gravity problem” (presumably the question of how to get a massive space station to escape the Earth’s atmosphere, explained in more detail in this question).

Are the anomalies in interstellar caused by gravity from the Fifth Dimension?

In Interstellar we see gravity’s strength fluctuate, perhaps due to fluctuations in the AdS layer. These fluctuations—gravitational anomalies—play a huge role in Interstellar. In my extrapolation, it does not take long for the Professor to convince himself that the anomalies are due to gravity from the fifth dimension.