
What was the point of burial at sea?

What was the point of burial at sea?

Burial at Sea isn’t about escape. It’s about ending the cycles of exploitation and violence that plague the DeWitts.” I like this idea. In her quest of righting her father’s wrongs, Elizabeth succumbed to the same sins that Booker and Comstock committed.

What does the end of burial at sea mean?

The end of BaS is depressing as all hell. Elizabeth dies to pay her debt back to Sally since she left the girl to die. She used Sally just as Comstock used her. Also Elizabeth didn’t have anything to live for, but she found something worth dying for.

Why is Comstock alive in burial at sea?

There was the aged Comstock, Columbia’s creator and Elizabeth’s kidnapper – who was eventually drowned by ‘our’ Booker, as controlled by the player. With the timeline reset, this DeWitt was back in his old life – possibly with his infant daughter, too – in a reality cleansed of Comstock’s interference.

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Is BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea canon?

Harkening back to the happenings and conclusion of the first Bioshock, players played as Jack, a man who found himself in a dying and decaying Rapture. While the game could end in one of two ways, Burial at Sea implicitly establishes the more “positive” ending as canon.

What happens to a body after burial at sea?

Even a weighted body will normally float to the surface after three or four days, exposing it to sea birds and buffeting from the waves. Putrefaction and scavenging creatures will dismember the corpse in a week or two and the bones will sink to the seabed.

What happened to Elizabeth after Bioshock Infinite?

The Luteces begrudgingly come to Elizabeth’s aid and explain that when she died, she remained in existence because of her quantum-superposition, but she could not return to Rapture without collapsing her unique quantum state and becoming a normal person – a result of returning to the dimension in which she first died.

Does burial at sea have multiple endings?

1 Answer. Burial at Sea is a linear story, unfortunately. While stealthily taking down opponents is useful for the ’98 mode achievement, it has no impact on the ending. Part 2 has just one ending, though it would be great to have seen some different resolutions.

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How old is Elizabeth in BioShock burial at sea?

19 to 20 year old
Elizabeth is the deuteragonist of BioShock Infinite, Burial at Sea – Episode 1, and the protagonist of Burial at Sea – Episode 2. She is a 19 to 20 year old woman who has been imprisoned in the flying city of Columbia since she was an infant and who Booker DeWitt is sent to retrieve and bring to New York City unharmed.

Is Elizabeth Booker’s daughter?

Elizabeth reveals she is also Booker’s daughter, Anna DeWitt, whom Booker had sold to the Lutece twins to pay off gambling debts. They in turn were working for Comstock, who needed a blood heir for Columbia, having been rendered sterile by the twins’ reality-warping experiments.

Are there Little Sisters in BioShock Infinite?

Little Sisters have been confirmed to appear in BioShock Infinite’s Burial at Sea DLC. Little Sisters are young girls bred and raised specifically with aiding Big Daddies in the harvesting of Adam, and as such are the pillars of society as we know it in Rapture.

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What is the story behind BioShock?

BioShock is a 2007 first-person shooter game developed by 2K Boston (later Irrational Games) and 2K Australia, and published by 2K Games.It is the first game in the BioShock series.The game’s concept was developed by Irrational’s creative lead, Ken Levine, and incorporates ideas by 20th century dystopian and utopian thinkers such as Ayn Rand, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley, as well as

Is BioShock Infinite an open world game?

While BioShock Infinite is by no means an open world game, the various locales within the game are nonetheless large and generally exciting. Exploration is outright encouraged; there are secrets to find, powerups to pick up, and important pieces of backstory on tape recorders scattered hither and yon.

Is BioShock Infinite BioShock 3?

BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game developed by Irrational Games and published by 2K Games. It was released worldwide for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 platforms on March 26, 2013; an OS X port by Aspyr was later released on August 29, 2013 and a Linux port was released on March 17, 2015.