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What were people unhappy about in the Catholic Church?

What were people unhappy about in the Catholic Church?

People felt that the clergy and the pope had become too political. The way the church raised money was also considered unfair. The sale of pardons or indulgences was unpopular. An indulgence provided a relaxation of penalties for sins people had committed.

What challenges does the Catholic Church face today?

The survey reveals diocesan priests are far more likely to view clergy abuse as a problem of the past, while nuns and other religious employees often consider sex abuse and misconduct to be major problems even today.

What was wrong with the Catholic Church in the 1500s?

The Roman Catholic Church in 1500 had lost much of its integrity. The involvement with the Italian War had dragged the papacy into disrepute; popes were more interested in politics than piety; and the sale of Indulgences was clearly only for the Church’s financial gain.

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What are the differences between Catholic and Protestant?

Catholics believe that the Catholic Church is the original and first Christian Church. Protestants follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as transmitted through the Old & New Testament. Protestants believe that the Catholic Church stemmed from the original Christian Church, but became corrupt.

What don’t Catholics have to believe at the Easter Vigil?

So to help guide you through what you will not be required to affirm and profess at this year’s Easter Vigil Mass, here are my “Top 10 Things Catholics Don’t Have to Believe”: 1. The death penalty must be abolished.

Is the Catholic Church just the Roman Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church consists of more than just the Roman Catholic Church. There are 22 Eastern Rites that are in full communion with Rome and although they go by different names, they are every bit as much a part of the Catholic Church.

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What are some interesting facts about the Catholic Church?

Highlights. 3. The Catholic Church consists of more than just the Roman Catholic Church. There are 22 Eastern Rites that are in full communion with Rome and although they go by different names, they are every bit as much a part of the Catholic Church. 4. Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press,…

What does the Catholic Church say about the environment?

Nor does the Church say Catholics must agree with a particular way to deal with environmental problems—for example by taxing fossil fuel use or regulating it through international bodies. United Nations elites who fly the world in their private jets are not authorized, morally or otherwise, to tell the rest of us how to heat our homes.