
What will cause an editor to reject a paper without a review?

What will cause an editor to reject a paper without a review?

Often journal editors reject manuscripts without sending them out for peer review because they don’t deem the manuscript a good fit for their journal. That information is usually on a journal’s website. Also, try comparing your manuscript with papers that have been recently published in the journal.

What are the reasons editors reject papers?

Reasons why a paper can get rejected:

  • Out of scope.
  • Lacking state-of-the-art overview.
  • Lack of originality.
  • Lack of conclusion.
  • Flaws in research design or methods.
  • Unclear research question.
  • Redundant publication.
  • Lack of relevance.

Why editors reject the papers in the preliminary evaluation?

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If the domain are listed in the scope of the journal, without checking the research article domain many editors rejected the paper stated that “Your manuscript does not fit within the scope of the journal”.

Can editors reject manuscripts?

The first level is an editorial rejection. This type of rejection typically happens quickly—within 1‒2 weeks of submission—and is made by the journal editor. Editors reject manuscripts at this stage for one or more technical reasons: The manuscript is missing essential elements or sections required by the journal.

What happens if paper is rejected?

Every researcher experiences rejection from journals. A few options include appealing the decision, resubmitting, or finding a new journal. Research data is valuable and should be published somewhere.

How many reviewers are there in scientific reports?

If the Editorial Board Member is satisfied that your work is appropriate to send out to peer review, they will then choose two or three appropriate peer reviewers to evaluate your work, taking into account several factors including expertise, experience and apparent conflicts of interest.

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What is minor revision?

Minor revision means that your paper accepted by about 70 \% but not final acceptance until you fix further comments. Time varies from journal to others, but within one month.

How often are scientific papers rejected?

Several studies suggest that at least 20 percent of published articles were first rejected by another journal. An older study found that about 1 percent of published articles were rejected by four or more journals before being accepted.

Does Editor decision started mean rejection?

In usual cases, a “Decision in process” means that the editor of the journal has received the reviewer comments from all the referees. The chief editor now has to make the decision as to whether he will accept/reject your paper or ask you to revise and resubmit the paper.

How does a journal editor decide to accept or reject manuscript?

The journal editor considers all the feedback from peer reviewers and makes an informed decision to accept or reject the manuscript. The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control mechanism.

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Why did the editor-in-chief reject my paper?

Sometimes the editor-in-chief or even the editor can reject the paper with peer revision as they are experts in your field. For example, maybe your paper is out of scope.

Why do journals reject research papers?

Rejection is the norm in academic publishing. Even researchers at the top of their field have experienced rejection. Several peer-reviewed studies have investigated the reasons that journals reject papers. Listed below are the most common rejection reasons cited in these studies.1-13 1. Results that are not generalizable 2.

What is the difference between peer review and journal editing?

Peer reviewers independently make a recommendation to the journal editor as to whether the manuscript should be rejected or accepted (with or without revisions). The journal editor considers all the feedback from peer reviewers and makes an informed decision to accept or reject the manuscript.