
What will happen if you eat dozens of bananas everyday?

What will happen if you eat dozens of bananas everyday?

Eating too many bananas may have detrimental health effects, such as weight gain, poor blood sugar control, and nutrient deficiencies.

What do apples and bananas do for you?

Vitamins and Minerals All three provide vitamins A and C, with a medium-sized fruit containing between 2 and 5 micrograms of vitamin A and between 8 and 10 milligrams of vitamin C. Apples, pears and bananas also provide several essential minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

What happens if we eat only bananas for a week?

The banana has fiber, sugar, and potassium, but no protein, and eating it as the only food is not safe for long periods of time. What is important is not just losing weight but what your body composition is like afterwards.

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What is healthier banana or apple?

A banana a day keeps the doctor away. Banana health benefits far outweigh those of the apple. That’s because they have many more vitamins and nutrients than their round counterparts. Bananas have twice as many carbohydrates, 5 times as much Vitamin A and iron, and 3 times as much phosphorus as apples.

How long can you live on only bananas?

Although bananas are a nutrient-dense fruit, you cannot live a prolonged healthy life by sustaining on them alone. Bananas will supply you with water, calories, carbohydrates, vitamins B6 and C, and some dietary fiber, but they are deficient in protein, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, and B9, and many essential minerals.

What happens if you eat too many bananas a day?

Eating too many bananas may have detrimental health effects, such as weight gain, poor blood sugar control, and nutrient deficiencies. How many bananas should you eat? Balance and variety are hallmarks of a healthy diet.

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Is it better to eat bananas or apples for weight loss?

Over time, eating both apples and bananas is associated with less weight gain, according to a September 2015 analysis in PLOS Medicine. As for weight loss, specifically, Gans puts it all into perspective: While an apple or a banana simply by itself may not inherently promote weight loss, no single food does.

Is it OK to eat 5 apples a day?

There is no evidence that consuming five apples a day will cause an increase in these benefits. In fact, consuming mostly apples can displace other, nutritious fruits and veggies from your diet. Instead of focusing on just apples, try aiming for the recommended 2 to 2.5 servings of fruit per day.

Can eating a banana a day keep the doctor away?

Eating a banana every day could improve your overall health, according to some experts. Of course, everyone has heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” However, a banana a day just might do the same. After all, this tasty treat and healthy, plant based breakfast item is chock-full of all kinds of things that your body needs.