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What will you do if a stranger comes to your home?

What will you do if a stranger comes to your home?

To keep yourself and your home safe, here’s what we suggest you do when a stranger comes knocking:

  1. Perform a lock check.
  2. See who it is (through peephole or camera)
  3. Speak with the person through the door.
  4. Call the police (if needed)

How would you react when you see a stranger in your room?

If I would see a stranger in my room so I would keep eyeing him whatever he was doing. and will try to defeat him myself using my little weapons and lock him inside. Then I will inform to the police and my parents. and reveal all the things happened.

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What age is appropriate for stranger danger?

Kids are usually ready for this discussion around age 4. Starting by asking your child, “Do you know what a stranger is?” If your child isn’t sure, tell him a stranger is anybody he doesn’t know.

What age should you talk to your child about strangers?

While you can begin to teach your child about basic safety, she’s not ready for conversations about how to deal with strangers. By the age of four, many children have heard about strangers and this is a good time to start teaching your little one how to stay safe.

What is fear of strangers?

Xenophobia, or fear of strangers, is a broad term that may be applied to any fear of someone who is different from us.

What should I do if a stranger comes to my house?

To keep yourself and your home safe, here’s what we suggest you do when a stranger comes knocking: 1 Perform a lock check 2 See who it is (through peephole or camera) 3 Speak with the person through the door 4 Call the police (if needed)

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How do you talk to a stranger through a locked door?

If you have a strong and well mounted door chain lock, you could simply crack open the door to speak with the stranger through the gap. Keep your foot on the door. NEVER DO THIS AT NIGHT! DON’T OPEN THE DOOR!

Can you talk to a stranger through a storm door?

That’s perfectly reasonable. If you have an additional ‘storm door’ (the kind with screens and/or plexiglass for winter), you might (slightly) open your primary door (set the chain-guard and ‘foot’ the door) to speak with the stranger while still being mostly secure inside. Be sure you keep your ‘storm door’ locked!

Should you worry about strangers walking through your neighborhood?

Not every stranger walking through your neighborhood is a threat, however, if you see someone acting strangely, not making eye contact or engaging in other suspicious behavior around in front of your home, there may be cause for concern.