Tips and tricks

What would happen if we did not have knowledge?

What would happen if we did not have knowledge?

Without knowledge, there would be no means of advancement, for society would lack the potential to do so. In other words, human society is on the verge of experiencing, processing and making use of the vast amount of knowledge present and on the brink of exposu re.

Are humans capable of having knowledge?

Only humans have been able to use core knowledge for developing higher order cognition, which serves as a precondition for culture, technology, and civilization. Additionally, the unique function of human working memory is the precondition for the integration of initially independent representational systems.

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How does the human being get knowledge?

Life experience, intuition, intelligence, and wisdom are the decisive factors which contribute to this ability. Knowledge of human nature is not innate, but is acquired through frequent contact with people and experience with many different people.

Can we survive without knowledge?

In life, the acquisition of knowledge helps us in many ways. In a world without knowledge society couldn’t advance. The advancement of society creates objects that help make life easier.

Can one still survive in a world without education?

You can’t make it through life without education No human being is able to survive without education. Education tells people how to think, how to work properly, and how to make decisions. The better your education, the more choices and opportunities you are going to have in life.

What is importance of education in your life?

It helps a person to get knowledge and improve confidence level all through the life. It plays a great role in our career growth as well as in the personal growth. It has no limitation; people of any age group can get education anytime. It helps us to determine about good and bad things.

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What would happen to the world if all humans died?

In the case of an event even more catastrophic than that, even though billions of humans would perish, some of us would survive. Life would become stone age-like but some remnants of humanity would survive.

Could humans become a different species from the old ones?

Offspring of these people could survive a global Ebola pandemic and then their offspring could adapt further. If this went on long enough, and it involved more than just a single feature of immunity, the new humans might eventually become a different species from the old humans.

How would humans survive in a post-apocalyptic world?

For example, imagine the post-apocalyptic environment has high levels of some poisons or radioactivity, or contains highly virulent pathogens. Surviving humans would be those who had innate resistance. We are already seeing from the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa that some people seem to be resistant to that virus.

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Do humans have an evolutionary advantage from the K-T event?

Many of the animals that recovered from the K-T event were marine species—would humans have an evolutionary advantage if they evolved aquatic properties like gills, fins or scales? Not necessarily. The main problem was heat and then finding food.