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What would happen if you divide by zero?

What would happen if you divide by zero?

Dividing by Zero is undefined.

Is dividing by zero the same as multiplying by infinity?

TO SAY that “any number divided by zero is infinity” is not quite correct. Considering normal arithmetic, it is not possible to divide by zero. Since multiplying by zero always gives zero, we really cannot divide anything non-zero by zero.

Can zero be divided by infinity?

We don’t ‘divide by infinity’ because infinity is not really a number. Regardless of what large number we’re dividing by our answer is 0 and by letting this large number increase (as much as we please, tending to infinity) the answer is still 0. Thus the ‘answer’ to your question is 0.

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What is zero divided by Infinity?

It would be zero only. When zero is divided by any number or infinity then answer is zero. However, when any number be it infinity when divided by zero will give answer as infinity. So, 0/n = 0 and n/0= infinite.

What is 1 divided by 0?

Why some people say it’s 0: Zero divided by any number is 0. Why some people say it’s 1: A number divided by itself is 1. Why some people say it’s undefined: Dividing by zero is undefined. Only one of these explanations is valid, and choosing the other explanations can lead to serious contradictions.

What does zero times infinity equal?

At first, you may think that zero times infinity equals zero. After all, zero times any number is equal to zero, however infinity is not a number. Logic dictates that zero multiplied by itself no matter how many times will always equal zero.

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Is infinity times zero?

I mean, infinity times zero is the same as zero an infinite amount of times, and adding zero infinitely would give zero because even though zero is always being added, this process is the same as nothing ever being added to zero. Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories on Phys.org.