
What would happen if you fell through a hole to the other side of the earth?

What would happen if you fell through a hole to the other side of the earth?

With such immense speed, you completely overshoot earth’s center. As you travel through the far end of the hole, gravity is now in the opposite direction and slows you down. You are slowed down to zero speed just as you emerge from the hole on the other side of the world.

Can we fall Earth?

The Earth’s gravity is a force that works kind of like a magnet. When you jump in the air, you come back down because gravity is pulling you towards the center of the Earth. Gravity does a lot more than just keep your feet on the ground. The strong pull of planets has created whole solar systems and galaxies.

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What would happen if you fell into this hole?

What would happen if you fell into this hole? After falling about 0.15 kilometers (0.002\% of the way to earth’s center), you encounter about 20 atmospheres of air pressure and die from hyperoxia. The farther your corpse falls, the more it becomes crushed by the intense air pressure.

What if you fell to the center of the Earth?

As one falls through the planet, there is less mass beneath whoever is making the descent over time, so the force of the gravity experienced would lessen as one approached Earth’s center. [ What If? 22 Crazy Hypothetical Questions (and their Answers)]

What would happen if you jumped into a tunnel from Earth?

A tunnel, dug from one side of the Earth to the other would be, on average, 12,742 km. So it’s a shorter trip, sure, but that’s not the best part. If you jumped into the tunnel, you’d fall down towards the center of the Earth, accelerating constantly, thanks to gravity.

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Can you dig a hole to the other side of Earth?

For the sake of the argument, let’s assume you could dig a wide, perfectly straight hole directly down to the center of earth and out to the other side of earth. Further suppose the hole has a strong enough wall to keep it from collapsing or melting. What would happen if you fell into this hole?