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What would happen to Earth if the sun disappeared for 5 seconds?

What would happen to Earth if the sun disappeared for 5 seconds?

Scientists estimate that the Sun will die in around 5 billion years. If the Sun miraculously disappeared, the Earth (and all the other objects in the Solar System) would continue their forward motion in a straight line off into space, instead of following their almost-circular orbits.

How long would it take for us to notice the sun exploded?

eight minutes, 20 seconds
If the sun suddenly blew up, we actually wouldn’t know it happened for — you guessed it — eight minutes, 20 seconds — since even that explosive light show would only be traveling, at maximum, the speed of light. The death and destruction would follow very, very shortly after that.

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What would happen to the Earth if the sun exploded?

Newton’s theory of gravity claims that if the sun were suddenly to explode, the earth – some 93 million miles away – would instantaneously suffer a departure from its usual elliptical orbit. Even though it would take light from the explosion eight minutes to travel from the sun to the earth,…

How long would it take for gravity to propagate after an explosion?

On the other hand, if Newtonian gravity were subject to a propagation delay equal to that of light, then the gravitational effects of the exploding Sun would begin to be felt just 8 minutes after the explosion.

Why doesn’t the Sun’s gravity change at position E?

The reason for this can be seen in the figure below. When the Earth is at position E, none of the Sun’s matter has yet reached the Earth, but the gravitational pull of the Sun has already begun to change, because the pull is determined by the configuration of matter on the Earth’s past light cone.

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How long does it take for the sun’s light to hit Earth?

There’s a few things you ought to remember about the sun. Light that’s emitted from our host star takes eight minutes and 20 seconds to hit our planet.
