When a constant force is applied to a body it moves with uniform velocity?

When a constant force is applied to a body it moves with uniform velocity?

Thus, we see that acceleration is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to object’s mass. Therefore, we could say that, for uniform force acting on a body of constant mass, acceleration would also uniform. Hence, option A is found to be the correct answer.

When a constant force is applied to a body it moves with uniform a acceleration B velocity c speed D momentum?

When constant force is applied to a body,its acceleration remains constant as force is the product of mass of body and acceleration, F=ma , here mass is constant ,force is constant thus acceleration is uniform.

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What happens to velocity when a constant force is applied?

Newton’s second law says that when a constant force acts on a massive body, it causes it to accelerate, i.e., to change its velocity, at a constant rate. In the simplest case, a force applied to an object at rest causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force.

When a force is applied to an object it will move at a constant?

If the forces applied to a moving object are balanced (net force is 0) the object will move at a constant velocity. If the object wasn’t moving to begin with it will remain stationary (a constant velocity of 0). The vector arrows show that forces are balanced so the car continues to move at a constant speed.

When a constant force is applied to a body moving with constant acceleration is the power constant?

We know that power (P) = force (F) × velocity (υ). Since the body is moving with acceleration, υ changes and as a result of that P also changes, F being constant. For P to be constant, Fυ = constant or F ∝1/υ Thus, as υ increases, F should decrease to keep P constant.

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Is a constant force acts on a body initially kept at rest the distance moved by the body in time t is proportional to?

Here, the appropriate one is d = v ( initial ) times t +1/2 times a times t squared. Distance is directly proportional to the square of the time under acceleration, and directly proportional to the acceleration, which, in turn, is directly proportional to the force, and inversely proportional to the bodies mass.

Does constant velocity mean constant force?

Constant force doesn’t mean constant velocity. Constant force means constant acceleration . So the object is moving in a uniformly accelerated motion. Originally Answered: Constant applied force means constant velocity, thus 0 acceleration, thus 0 net force according to the f=ma formula.

What does constant force mean?

A constant force is any force acting on an object at an unchanging rate.

What does it mean when force is constant?

When a body moves in a circular path no work is done by the force since?

the force is always away from the centre.

What is the net force on a body with uniform velocity?

The net force on a body is proportional to the rate of change of it’s momentum. That’s the definition of “force”. If the body moves with uniform velocity (speed and direction constant), it could still be changing mass, and so change momentum. That wold result in a net force on the body. So: there is not enough information to decide the question.

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What happens when a constant force is applied on a body?

in C.G.S & S.I when a constant force is applied on a body, the body’s accelerated with uniform acceleration.

Can an object have constant velocity if there is no friction?

Yes, and not only that. It will ALWAYS have constant velocity when the net force (the sum of all the forces acting on an object: in this case pulling and frictional forces response) is zero. This is the statement of Newton’s 1st law of motion. It doesn’t matter if there is friction or not, the statement is always valid.

What is the energy of a body moving at constant speed?

The energy of a body that is moving at a constant speed is equal to 1 2 m v 2 . This energy can change the motion and the velocity of another body. When it does, it exerts an acceleration on the other body — described by the quantity, force, which is the mass of the body multiplied by its acceleration.