
When can I call you at your convenience?

When can I call you at your convenience?

No, saying “at your convenience” is generally understood to be a polite way of saying that you recognize that the other person is very busy, and so asking them to choose a time for a meeting instead of you selecting a time.

Is it okay to say at your earliest convenience?

At your earliest convenience Although there’s nothing wrong with this phrase, it might actually be too polite, or at least too open-ended. Although you could use softer, less jaron-laden language like “whenever you have time” or “as soon as you’re able”, once again, we prefer specificity.

Can you please approve at your earliest convenience?

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When you need something done right away but you have no authority to make it a command or, if you do, you are extremely polite, then you say ‘at your earliest convenience. It literally means ‘the first time it is easy/practical for you to do this.

How do you say as soon as possible in a polite way?

Consider these alternatives:

  1. As soon as possible, or _____. Use this to say that something’s urgent, but can wait until a specific deadline if necessary.
  2. Promptly. This one can serve as a nudge by suggesting the recipient has been less than prompt.
  3. At your earliest convenience.
  4. Whenever you’re able.

What does at your best convenience mean?

Whenever one wishes; also, as soon as one can. For example, Pick up the car any time, at your convenience, or We need that drawing very soon, so please finish it at your earliest convenience. The use of convenience in the sense of “ease” or “absence of trouble” dates from about 1700.

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Can you please call at your earliest convenience?

Both those requests are correct enough – asking someone to call ‘at your earliest convenience’ implies that your request is URGENT and you want them to call AS SOON AS THEY CAN. Only say ‘at your earliest convenience’ if you really need that person to call you back right away, as soon as they can.

How do you use the phrase at your earliest convenience?

This phrase is used in formal situation, especially used in letters. We use this phrase when we want someone to do something as soon as they are able to do something, for example “ please call me back at your earliest convenience“. We trust to receive a cheque at your earliest convenience. Please reply to my letter at your earliest convenience.

What does “my convenience” mean?

“Your convenience” conveys the thought that that the originator of the message wants to hear from the other person as soon as that person is able to spare the time. “My convenience” says, “I’ll get back to you when I’m good and ready.” The idiom “as soon as possible” is another one that needs to be handled with care.

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Is ‘at my earliest convenience’ rude or polite?

The first is a polite way to request action from another person. The second is an accommodating way to obligate yourself. Neither are to be taken literally. To me, “at my earliest convenience” is rude. Anyone using it should use “as soon as I can,” “at my earliest opportunity,” or similar phrase expressing urgency.

Why do people hate “at your earliest convenience”?

One of the reasons many people dislike “at your earliest convenience” is that it sounds like business jargon—something we all love to hate. Use plain language instead. It’s easily misinterpreted. What if Mary sees your request as urgent when you meant to say that you were in no hurry?