When did Galileo say the Earth was round?

When did Galileo say the Earth was round?

In 1633, the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church forced Galileo Galilei, one of the founders of modern science, to recant his theory that the Earth moves around the Sun.

Did aryabhatta said Earth is round?

Reminding the audience, which consisted of students from the city’s different educational institutions, of ancient India’s achievements in the field of science and innovation, he said Aryabhatta had discovered that the earth is round and rotates on an axis much before Copernicus.

Who first calculated the circumference of the Earth?

The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) is credited as the first person to try and calculate the size of the Earth by determining its circumference (the length around the equator) He estimated this distance to be 400,000 stades (a stadia is a Greek measurement equaling about 600 feet).

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Who said that earth is round and revolves around the Sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus
In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus detailed his radical theory of the Universe in which the Earth, along with the other planets, rotated around the Sun.

Who discovered earth revolves around sun?

But in the 1500s, Nicolaus Copernicus found that the movements could be predicted with a much simpler system of formulas if both Earth and the planets were orbiting the Sun.

Who discovered that Earth is round aryabhatta?


Influences Surya Siddhanta
Academic work
Era Gupta era
Main interests Mathematics, astronomy

Who discovered that Earth is floating in space?

5-22. Galileo Galilei fought colleagues and the Roman Inquisition to defend the theory that planets orbit around stars — four-hundred years later, what would he have made of the discovery of a strange planet, floating by itself a mere 80 light-years away from Earth?

Who was the first person to declare that the Earth was round?

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The Greek mathematician Pythagoras was the first to propose the idea of a round Earth, primarily based on the behavior of the Earth’s shadow on the moon. Aristotle made several arguments for a spherical Earth based on physical evidence, and Eratosthenes used mathematics to prove it and measure Earth’s circumference.

Who first theorized that the world is round?

Aristotle first theorized that the earth was round. Columbus died believing he proved Aristotle correct, but the real confirmation came in the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan, the captain of the first ship to sail completely around the world. Magellan was a Portuguese sailor who explored Asia.

Who first figured out the Earth was round?

Some famous Greek astronomers were Anaxagoras, who figured out what caused eclipses, Aristarchus, who figured out that the earth went around the sun, and Thales, who figured out that the earth was round.

Who was the first person to prove that the Earth rotates?

Copernicus (1473-1543) was not the first person to claim that the Earth rotates around the Sun. In Western civilization, ancient Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos is generally credited with being the first person to propose a Sun-centred astronomical hypothesis of the universe (heliocentric).