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When people say they appreciate your apology?

When people say they appreciate your apology?

Start by telling the person you appreciate their apology and their willingness to make amends. This could be a simple, “Thank you for apologizing” or “I appreciate your apology, thank you.” If you need time to digest things still, make that clear, such as saying: “Thanks, I appreciate your apology.

What to say if someone says thank you?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  • You’re welcome.
  • No problem.
  • No worries.
  • Don’t mention it.
  • My pleasure.
  • Anytime.
  • It was the least I could do.
  • Glad to help.

How do you thank someone for accepting an apology?

Then you’re welcome. Chances are since the apology has been offered and accepted both parties are ok with the situation and would be better served by just letting it go and moving on. You can say that you appreciate them being understanding, kind etc.

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How do you respond when someone apologizes to you?

This is a way to convey warmth and gratitude for the apology, while still honoring the emotional impact the hurt had. This response often captures that you can see that the apology may have been difficult for the other person, and you want to show appreciation for their vulnerability and ownership of their role in the hurt.

How do you Say Sorry in an apology?

Apologies can take the form of “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” or “I realize what I did was wrong.” They can be an explanation of intent, such as, “I didn’t want to take sides between you and your sister” or “I was trying to make you understand what I was saying.”

How do you reply to thank you in a good way?

“I’m greatly relieved, believe me.” “A load off my chest. Thanks.” “You are truly wonderful.” “Now I’ll sleep well. Good night.” If you really value the relationship, other better responses will come to your mind at the right time. And, what are emojis for anyway? “Thank you.” ‘Nuff said.