
When you delete a post on Facebook can others still see it?

When you delete a post on Facebook can others still see it?

No, when you delete a post, it get deleted from your Timeline and no one can see this including you. However, it might not always be instant as sometimes there is a delay in synchronizing between servers.

What happens if I delete a post that has been shared?

The photo they share is still your photo, and if you delete it, it’s gone. Anyone who has shared the deleted photo will no longer see it themselves, and neither will any of their friends. It’s also important to understand that photos that are originally uploaded to Facebook often don’t remain just on Facebook.

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What happens when you remove a post from a Facebook group?

No, but your post never really gets deleted. It can no longer be seen on your page or anyone else’s page, but it is still on Facebook’s servers. They can retrieve it if they wish. Admins are users, just like you.

How long does it take FB to remove a post?

How it works. If your photo, video or post is removed for violating Facebook’s rules, you will be given the option to “Request Review.” Appeals will be conducted by a “community operations” team within 24 hours. If Facebook determines it made a mistake removing content, it will be restored.

How do Facebook posts get removed?

If one of your posts goes missing from your friend’s Wall, the most likely reasons are that either you or the profile owner deleted the post – either on purpose or by accident. In less frequent cases, Facebook will remove a post that violates the site’s rules.

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Does deleting a Facebook post delete comments?

As long as the user shares via the action link all subsequent shares will be deleted if the original is deleted. But if the user manually copies it or saves a photo then re-uploads then no.

Does removing a post on Facebook delete it from your account?

No, they don’t. If you remove a single post on Facebook, all your friends won’t see it anymore. If you want to have a copy of that post that you wanted to remove, there’s an option in your Facebook Setting, you can choose which category of group friends you only want to allow your post to be visible.

What happens if you remove a tag from a Facebook post?

Yes, even if you remove a Facebook tag, the photo is still visible on the original poster’s timeline. Friends who are not mutual contacts may still see the image depending on the poster’s privacy settings and how the image was posted (public, private, friends of friends, etc.).

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When you unfriend someone on Facebook can they see your posts?

When you unfriend someone on Facebook, this person will be able to see your posts depending on your Privacy settings. If you allow everyone to see your posts, then this person will see them as well; if you only allow your friends to see your posts, then this person will not see them unless they’re tagged on them.

Why can’t I see my own post on my Facebook timeline?

, Specialist – Advertisement Integrity at Facebook. If that is your own post then no one will see it when you hide it. If it is someone else post which they tagged you in their post then you have to untag yourself and hide it in your timeline, then it won’t appear on your timeline but everyone can see it on others timeline.
