
Where can I market my Kickstarter campaign?

Where can I market my Kickstarter campaign?

Whether it’s promoting on social media or spending on dedicated ads, here are some solutions you can use to promote your Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign.

  • Facebook Ads. First and foremost, let’s begin with Facebook ads.
  • PR Firms.
  • Product Discovery Platforms.
  • Communities.
  • Reddit.
  • Google Ads.
  • Pinterest Ads.

How do I get my Kickstarter campaign noticed?

A few tips for crafting a standout project page:

  1. Start with a strong idea — and express it clearly.
  2. Choose a compelling project image.
  3. Put the essential information first.
  4. Show, don’t (just) tell.
  5. Show your rewards.
  6. Remember your audience.
  7. And finally, don’t spam.

Do Facebook ads work for Kickstarter?

For crowdfunding creators, one extremely powerful way to do this work is by using Facebook lead ads. Lead ads allow you to connect with potential customers that you normally wouldn’t have access to, and then collect their contact information.

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How do you attract people to Kickstarter?

10 Tips For Marketing Your Kickstarter Campaign

  1. Make sure your idea is a good fit for Kickstarter.
  2. Create great rewards.
  3. Follow the rules.
  4. Set your goal as low as possible.
  5. Make a great video.
  6. Don’t bank on press.
  7. Use social media, but don’t rely on it.
  8. Hold something back as an upsell or a stretch goal.

Which is the best Kickstarter marketing agency?

9 Best Kickstarter Marketing Companies and Agencies. 1 1. The Gadget Flow. In full disclosure, The Gadget Flow is the sponsor of my podcast. I’ve worked with Evan over the years and have come to know a lot 2 2. Eventys Partners. 3 3. CrowdfundingPR.org. 4 4. Jellop Crowdfunding. 5 5. Funded.Today.

How much does it cost to launch a Kickstarter campaign?

It comes down to your budget and how much you want to invest in your campaign’s launch. I’ve said it time and time again. If you want to raise a significant try to budget at least $5 – 8k for the launch of your Kickstarter campaign. This should go towards: On-Going Marketing, Advertising and PR.

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What is Kickstarter’s killkiller startups campaign?

Killer Startups has been around for a while now, promoting startup companies including, but not limited to, Kickstarter campaigns. They featured Uber back in 2010 before the company even had an app.

Should you use Kickstarter forum for your press release?

Even if a press release leads to one or two backers, it’s worth your while. Kickstarter Forum is also a community where creative types can like, share, and support kickstarter projects. Over the years, the site has built a strong group of crowdfunding evangelists behind it that are more than willing to provide feedback. Use them as a resource!