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Where did Bellatrix live?

Where did Bellatrix live?

Malfoy Manor
Bellatrix addressing Voldemort in Malfoy Manor during a Death Eater meeting By the next year, Bellatrix was living with Narcissa at Malfoy Manor. She was the only resident of the manor who was actually pleased that Voldemort was staying there, telling him that there was “no higher pleasure”.

What happens to Bellatrix Lestrange’s husband?

About fourteen years later, Rodolphus escaped with a group of other Death Eaters and fought in several battles of the Second Wizarding War, including the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the Battle of the Seven Potters. After Lord Voldemort’s final defeat, Rodolphus was imprisoned in Azkaban once more.

Where do the Lestranges live?

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Lestrange was the surname of an ancient pure-blood wizarding family, originally from France but also with branches in Great Britain, and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. They were related to the Black, Malfoy, Tonks, Lupin, and Rosier families.

Who is rodolphus Lestrange’s parents?

Rodolphus Lestrange was a pure-blood wizard, brother of Rabastan, son of Reinhard Lestrange and a Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was a Death Eater who fought in the First Wizarding War.

Who were Bellatrix Lestrange parents?

Druella Black
Cygnus BlackCygnus Black III
Bellatrix Lestrange/Parents

Is Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange related?

Sirius’s mother, Walburga Black (who was also born a Black), was the sister of Cygnus Black, the father of Bellatrix Lestrange (Lestrange is the name she took upon marriage from her husband, Rodolphus Lestrange, but Bellatrix maiden name is Black). So they were cousins.

Was Bellatrix Lestrange student at Hogwarts?

At Hogwarts, she, along with her sisters, was sorted into Slytherin. It is suggested in the novels that, as a student, Bellatrix associated with a group of students – including Rodolphus Lestrange, Snape, Avery, Evan Rosier and Wilkes – who nearly all became Death Eaters.

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How is Bellatrix Lestrange different in the Harry Potter books?

Bellatrix eventually married Rodolphus Lestrange, a fellow wealthy pure-blood and Slytherin, marrying out of obligation of fulfilling her family’s pro pure-blood mentality and tradition, Unlike her sisters, she never displayed any affection for her husband whatsoever, never even mentioning him in conversations nor bearing him any children.