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Where does the Bible say God created evil?

Where does the Bible say God created evil?

There’s even a Bible verse in Isaiah 45:7, where God says, “I create evil.” Does He or doesn’t He? Here’s the explanation.

Who is the creator of evil?

‘Evil’ Creators Robert and Michelle King on 30 Years of Debating the Nature of Evil.

What are the two main types of evil?

There are two main types of evil:

  • Moral evil – This covers the willful acts of human beings (such as murder, rape, etc.)
  • Natural evil – This refers to natural disasters (such as famines, floods, etc.)

Does God create evil in the Bible?

We can see that the Bible teaches that God is pure and does not approve of evil, that the word rah (evil) in Hebrew can mean many things, and that contextually the verse is speaking of calamity and distress. Therefore, God does not create evil in the moral sense, but in the sense of disaster or calamity.

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Are God’s Eyes Too Pure to approve evil?

“Thine eyes are too pure to approve evil, and Thou canst not look on wickedness with favor,” ( Hab. 1:13 ). We can see that the Bible teaches that God is pure and does not approve of evil, that the word rah (evil) in Hebrew can mean many things, and that contextually the verse is speaking of calamity and distress.

Is God the author of evil?

Likewise, the Bible commentaries indicate that the verse refers to God’s judgment based upon people’s sin. 7 God is not the author of evil. 8 However, God does reward and punish on the basis of good and bad behavior.

What is the Hebrew word for evil in the Bible?

To answer the question we must first look at how the word for evil, rah, is used in the Bible, examine the context of the Isaiah 45:7 passage, and look at other passages on the same subject. First of all, the Hebrew word for evil, rah, is used in many different ways in the Bible.