
Where there is great power there is great responsibility Churchill?

Where there is great power there is great responsibility Churchill?

– A speech by then Under-Secretary of the British Colonial Commissariat, Winston Churchill, in 1906: “Where there is great power there is great responsibility, where there is less power there is less responsibility, and where there is no power there can, I think, be no responsibility.”

Who lives by the motto With great power comes great responsibility?

Uncle Ben’s one commandment to Peter in his final moments is that “with great power comes great responsibility,” and, from that moment forward, everything Parker does as Spider-Man is defined by that statement.

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Who was the first person to say With great power comes great responsibility?

Voltaire said it first: With great power comes great responsibility. Others prefer a more-recent attribution, citing Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben in Spiderman. Winston Churchill said: The price of greatness is responsibility.

Who said with knowledge comes great responsibility?

Plato once said, “Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.” Some believe that the desire for knowledge and the emotions that arise from it can be dangerous.

Where in the Bible does it say with great power comes great responsibility?

Luke 12:48
Spider-Man Bible verse Luke 12:48. “With great power comes great responsibility.” Click through the image to see how Spiderman’s sacrifice relates to the Gospel.

What is the meaning of with great power comes great responsibility?

“With great power comes great responsibility” has a simple meaning; if you have the ability to do something, make sure that you do it for the good of others. Highly admired people like Gandhi and Ninoy Aquino have done things that follow the spirit of this message. If you can stop something bad from happening, do it.

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How do you reference with great power comes great responsibility?

13 (1962) (“[I]n this world, with great power there must also come—great responsibility”). The quote comes not from a legal expert, of course, but from Uncle Ben, who is trying to guide a young Peter Parker to use his superpowers wisely in Amazing Fantasy No.

What is the meaning of with great power comes with great responsibility?

“With great power comes great responsibility” has a simple meaning; if you have the ability to do something, make sure that you do it for the good of others. Highly admired people like Gandhi and Ninoy Aquino have done things that follow the spirit of this message.

What is the meaning of great power comes great responsibility?