
Where would Kings have meetings?

Where would Kings have meetings?

The king’s court is a term that describes the king’s council and household. The court travelled with the king wherever he went. The king would seek advice from the wise (hopefully) men of his court which would include relatives, barons, lords, and members of the church such as bishops.

What is a king’s servant called?

A king (or lord) ruled large areas of land. To protect his land from invasion, the king gave parts of it to local lords, who were called vassals. In return, his vassals promised to fight to defend the king’s land. Vassals ruled lands granted to them by their king.

What does a king do in medieval times?

A king’s most important responsibility was to establish order and keep the peace, by force if necessary. This included the duty to fight foreign invaders, to keep the nobles from fighting each other when possible, and to suppress crime and banditry.

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What are the roles in a castle?


  • Knights & Soldiers. The staff of a castle may be divided into two broad groups: men-at-arms and domestic servants.
  • The Steward.
  • The Marshal.
  • The Chaplain.
  • Chamberlains, Laundresses & Personal Attendants.
  • The Kitchens.
  • Entertainers.

Where did the king live in a castle?

The first king to use Windsor Castle as a residence was Henry I. Henry’s marriage to Adela, the daughter of Godfrey of Louvain, took place in the Castle in 1121. The first Plantagenet king, Henry II, lived at Windsor and built extensively there between 1165 and 1179.

Where did Kings live before castles?

Most of them lived on manors. Some lords had one manor, while others had several. Those who had more than one manor usually lived in one for a few months and then traveled with their families to another. Manor Houses and Castles​ Many of the people on a manor lived with the lord’s family in the manor house.

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Did medieval servants live in the castle?

The most important person in a castle was the owner —the king, lord, knight or lady. But they didn’t live there all the time. These were usually in the safest part of the castle, and only trusted servants or honoured guests were allowed in.

What power did the king have in medieval times?

During the medieval times, a medieval king was considered the centre of all authority and held ultimate power over the people. In practice, however, he needed the allegiance of his nobles and important members of the clergy to wield his power.

How many people worked in a medieval castle?

An English medieval castle, if a large one, could have a household staff of at least 50 people, which included all manner of specialised and skilled workers such as cooks, grooms, carpenters, masons, falconers, and musicians, as well as a compliment of knights, bowmen, and crossbow operators.

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What was the role of household staff in medieval castles?

A microcosm of the medieval world, the household staff worked as a team to meet the castle’s often extensive needs of nourishment, defence, and entertainment. The staff of a castle may be divided into two broad groups: men-at-arms and domestic servants.

What are the rooms in a medieval castle called?

Below are the main rooms found in medieval castles and large manor houses. The Great Hall; Bed Chambers; Solars; Bathrooms, Lavatories and Garderobes; Kitchens, Pantries, Larders & Butteries; Gatehouses and Guardrooms

What happens when a king is absent from his castle?

If a lord were absent from his castle for any length of time such as during a war, the steward might take charge of the castle entirely. In the case of royal castles where the king was not, and could not be, present at all times, then a constable, who might also be the local sheriff, ran the castle in the sovereign’s name.