
Which Avengers can wield the Infinity Gauntlet?

Which Avengers can wield the Infinity Gauntlet?

A history of Marvel comics heroes who’ve dared to wield the Infinity Gauntlet

  • Thanos. Obviously, Thanos created the Infinity Gauntlet, so he’s the first person to ever wield its power and, arguably, the one who wore it best.
  • Nebula.
  • Adam Warlock.
  • Mister Fantastic (sort of)
  • Iron Man.
  • Captain America.
  • Gamora.
  • Loki.

What does the Infinity Gauntlet do in Marvel movies?

The Infinity Gauntlet is one of the most powerful objects in all of reality. It’s used to combine the six Infinity Gems, which give the wearer control of the soul, power, time, space, reality and mind. In the Marvel movies, the Infinity Gauntlet has been teased since the very first “Thor” movie, where it was briefly shown in Odin’s treasure room.

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How did Iron Man get rid of the Infinity Gauntlet?

During his 2011 run on Avengers, low-rate villain The Hood began collecting the Infinity Gems. Iron Man was able to wrest the Gems and Gauntlet away from The Hood and send him back to prison. He then does the most Tony Stark thing imaginable: feigns the destruction of the Gauntlet while really teleporting it elsewhere.

Does Silver Surfer wear the Infinity Gauntlet?

Norrin Radd, aka the Silver Surfer, wore the mighty Infinity Gauntlet in What If Vol. 2 issue 49. Here, he turned the world into paradise and brought his dear love Shalla Bal back from the dead. Eventually, Shalla Bal convinced Silver Surfer to give up his divine powers before he became corrupted by the gauntlet.

How did Warlock come in contact with the Infinity Gauntlet?

One of the first times Warlock came in contact with the Infinity Gauntlet was during the Infinity Gauntlet comic run. Thanos had already collected all six Infinity Gems and willed half the universe out of existence.