
Which birds are banned as pets in India?

Which birds are banned as pets in India?

The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, prohibits keeping Indian birds like parakeets, mainas, muniyas and peacocks as pets, said Delhi state wildlife officer Bipin Bihari. These birds are listed in Schedule IV of the Act and keeping them as pets can invite a jail term of up to six years or a fine of over Rs 5,000.

Can you keep a finch as a pet?

Finches are a popular variety of pet bird. They are friendly, energetic, relatively easy to care for, and small enough that they won’t take up much room in your house or apartment. However, finches will not take up much of your time, and make for pleasant and pretty pets.

What types of finches can you have as pets?

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Here are 7 of the best types of finches to keep as pets in 2021 and beyond:

  • The Spice Finch.
  • The Zebra Finch.
  • The Strawberry Finch.
  • The Gouldian Finch.
  • The Owl Finch.
  • The Society Finch.
  • The Star Finch.

Can we keep Peacock at home in India?

Peacock is the national bird of India and is also a Schedule I species in the Wildlife (Protection) Act and keeping it as pets is illegal.

Is keeping birds in cage crime?

Caging any Indian bird is illegal as they are categorized under wild animals and are thus protected by the wildlife protection act. Only exotic and foreign birds don’t fall under this category.

How much do finches cost?

A pair of finches can cost between $20 and $100. A budgie is usually about $25. Cockatiels range from $80 to $150.

Can finches be tamed?

If you want a bird that’s easily hand-tamed and perches on your finger, a finch isn’t a good choice. While it’s not impossible to train a young finch to finger perch, it’s quite difficult. It’s extremely unlikely that you could train an adult finch to stay on your finger.

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Can finches live with budgies?

Not Appropriate for Cages Budgies are larger than most finches but not as energetic. They also need room to get away from budgies that might be grumpier than usual. This means that in order to keep the two kinds of birds together, a very large cage would be needed.

Is it legal to keep peacocks?

A permit could indeed be necessary, especially should you live in a suburban area. However, most rural areas are less strict. Have a look at your regional laws and you’ll find out. Peacocks can be listed within regulations as poultry but most municipalities consider them as “exotic” pets.

Are Spice Finches illegal in South Australia?

Spice finches are well established in aviculture, however their low monetary value can make them somewhat unpopular and difficult to acquire. They are illegal to possess in South Australia where they are considered to be an invasive pest. They are straightforward to look after and make for an excellent beginner’s bird.

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How much does a Spice Finches cost?

Smoking around the cage should be avoided as it causes irritation to the spice finch’s eyes and air sacs. Spice finch individuals come with a price tag of around $35-$50. Though monomorphic, the males are distinguished from females by their soft, complex song.

Can you keep finches as pets?

Finches are generally small birds that do not require cages as large as parrots and other pet birds. Most finches are hardy and adaptable species as long as their basic needs are met. Many finch species are passive and social species that can be kept with other finches.

What animals are illegal to own in India?

Cetaceans (dolphin or porpoise), penguins, otters and manatees are banned according to the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. It is also prohibited to keep or sell a few species of endangered fish. India might be known for snake charmers but it is illegal to own any native wildlife snake species here.