
Which book is best for MBA CET preparation?

Which book is best for MBA CET preparation?

Best Books for MAH CET MBA 2021

Book Name Publisher/Author
Maharashtra MBA MH-CET 2020 Arihant Publications
The Pearson Guide to CET: MBA Maharashtra Vandana Thorpe
Target MHCET (MBA/MMS) – Past papers + 6 Mock Tests Disha Publications
Maharashtra MBA CET Guide by RPH Editorial Board Priyanka Prakashan

Which books are best for CET preparation?

Best Books for MHT CET Physics

  • Complete Reference Manual MH-CET Physics M.K. Dikshit (Arihant Publication)
  • MHT CET Physics (Marvel) by AJ Bapat.
  • Physics for MHT CET (MCQ) by A J Bapat (Marvel Publication)
  • Concepts of Physics Vol. 1 by H.C. Verma.
  • Concepts of Physics Vol. 2 by H.C. Verma.
  • Uttam MHT-CET Physics by Dr.

What should I study for MBA CET?

Best Books for MAH CET MBA 2021

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Book Name Publisher/Author
Study material on all sections of MBA CET Maharashtra Chandresh Agarwal
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT Arun Sharma
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Arun Sharma
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT Arun Sharma

Which coaching is best for MBA CET?

Top Coaching Institutes in India for MAH CET Preparation

Career Launcher Byju’s Classes MBAguru
Prudence Academy Bulls Eye PT Education
IMS Endeavour Careers TIME

How do you crack CET?

10 Tips to Crack MAH CET 2021 in 30 Days

  1. Make a Daily Planner.
  2. Avoid Starting Any New Topic.
  3. Focus only on Major Topics.
  4. Improve Accuracy by Practice.

Is Arihant good for CET?

Following books of Arihant expert author can be good option for MHT CET Engineering Entrance preparation. The complete set of books are available on Amazon. In at the cost of Rs 1365. Following books of Arihant expert author can be good option for MHT CET Engineering Entrance preparation.

Is negative marking in CET?

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Candidate can answer the question by shading the circles on the OMR Answer Sheet. There will be no negative marking and each correct answer will fetch 1 mark.

How can I clear my CET MBA?

Practice with previous MAH CET test papers and MAH CET Mock tests. Monitor your time while attempting the MAH CET Mock RC passages, Reasoning questions. One problem set followed by 4-5 questions should not take more than 7-9 minutes to answer.

How is 130 CET scored in MBA?

There is no standard, but you should look at an increase of 5 marks with every mock you take. So if you are scoring 100 it will take 6 mocks for you to reach a score of 130….You need to analyze the mocks from 3 perspectives:

  1. Critical Analysis.
  2. Sectional Analysis.
  3. Booster / Positive Analysis.

What are the best books for Mah CET MBA 2021?

Best Books for MAH CET MBA 2021 Book Name Publisher/Author MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide Disha Publications 50+ Solved Papers MBA Arihant Publications Maharashtra MBA MH-CET 2020 Arihant Publications The Pearson Guide to CET: MBA Maharashtr Vandana Thorpe

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What are the best books for MHT CET (MCQ) preparation?

Chemistry for MHT CET (MCQ) by Mayur Mehta and Chitra Joshi (Marvel Publication) Complete Reference Manual MH-CET Mathematics by Sushil Verma (Arihant Publication) Mathematics for MHT CET (MCQ) by Hemant G. Ainapure (Marvel Publication) Pradnya’s Objective Mathematics by C. S. Patil

What is the Mah CET exam?

MAH CET exam is one of the top most entrance exams in the country as it is the gateway to some of the top B-Schools in Mumbai and Maharashtra. The exam is similar to other MBA exams thus MAH CET books and study material are same.

How to prepare for MH-CET 2021 entrance exam?

When preparing for the MH-CET 2021 entrance exam apart from reading these books make sure to study regularly and solve as many mock papers and previous years papers as you can. This will go a long way in helping you get familiar with the exam and boost your MH-CET preparation on the big day.