
Which carnivores are called top carnivores?

Which carnivores are called top carnivores?

Hint:Certain animals like lion, leopards, cheetah, hyena etc are called the top carnivore. They are the apex predators. They constitute the fourth trophic level. Complete Answer: Top predators are the animals which occupy the highest level in the food chain or food pyramid.

What is the top carnivore in the world?

Polar bear
The 10 Largest Land Carnivores On Earth

Rank Common name Average mass (kg)
1 Polar bear 360
2 Brown bear 318
3 Bengal Tiger 227
4 African Lion 200

What is a top carnivore in the food chain?

The top carnivore of any food chain is classified as the apex predator.

Are Bears top carnivores?

Black and grizzly bears are omnivores, even though they belong to the Carnivora order. They eat both meat and plants, although plants and berries are the main components of their diet. However, panda bears are strictly herbivores and polar bears are almost entirely carnivores.

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Are Lions top carnivores?

Lions are a tertiary predator. They are at the top of the food chain in the African savanna. Lions mainly eat grazing animals, like zebras, antelope, wildebeests and occasionally elephants. However, they also are known to go after secondary consumers, like baby hippos and crocodiles.

Is a shark a top carnivore?

Sharks are Apex Predators Sharks are top or “apex” predators in the marine ecosystem. This is because they have very few natural predators. A cascade effect naturally occurs in a balanced, healthy ecosystem, whether it be marine or terrestrial.

What animal is the king of the food chain?

Lions are big cats known as the “King of the Jungle. They are found in Africa and India where they sit at the top of the food chain. African lions – The scientific name for the lions in Africa is Panthera leo. There are lions located throughout much of the middle and southern portions of the African savanna.