
Which coding website is best for kids?

Which coding website is best for kids?

The 14 Best Coding Websites for Kids

  • PluralSight [free] – Grade School Reader+
  • Code.org [free] – Grade School Reader to Teen+
  • Kodu [free] – Grade School Reader to Teen+
  • Scratch [free] – Grade School Reader to Teen+
  • App Inventor [free] – Teen+
  • CodeAcademy [free/paid] – Teen+
  • Code Monster [free] – Teen+

Is WhiteHat JR trustworthy?


What type of coding is taught in WhiteHat Jr?

WhiteHat Jr has designed an activity-based structured coding curriculum from Grade 1-12. The curriculum is scientifically researched & based on age-appropriate learning outcomes.

When should I introduce my child to coding?

While it might come as a surprise, kids can start learning basic programming as early as 5 years old, and sometimes even younger. Even before they can read, kids can engage in image-based games and puzzles that present coding principles.

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How does whitehat Jr teach coding?

As the name implies, WhiteHat Jr. teaches coding through an online virtual learning center with one-on-one live classes. It offers engaging classes where kids learn to build games, improve their logic and abstract thinking, and well, learn to freaking code.

Is whitehat Jr free to use?

Some of the WhiteHatJr classes are powered by Code.org which is completely free to access and use for it’s users. About WhiteHat Jr Today, in the computer age, less than 1\% of schools teach coding in early childhood.

What is the best kids coding platform?

WhiteHat Jr is the best Kids Coding Platform where kids are taught to code online by our expert teachers. Kids coding will be the future of education.

What are some of the best apps created by whitehat Jr Alumni?

Created a ‘Sign Language’ App which allows people to communicate with hearing impaired individuals using the American Sign Language. She was also covered by Forbes. 3/5 Mae Mae, Age 9 Proud WhiteHat Jr Alumni Created ‘Anti Bullying’ App which allows children to report incidents of bullying and harassment in a quick and standardised way.