
Which country has highest English speaking people?

Which country has highest English speaking people?

India is the most populous nation with English as its official language, with over 1 billion people. The smallest nation where English is an official language is Niue, which has a population of just 1,600 people.

How do I make friends to immigrate?

Ten ways you can make new friends in a new country

  1. Get out of your comfort zone.
  2. Make small talk an opportunity to find common interests.
  3. Say yes more often.
  4. Learn more about your new country’s culture and language.
  5. Volunteer.
  6. Find your favorite hang-out spot.
  7. Get to know other parents.
  8. Go online.

How do I make friends in a foreign country?

Having lived abroad several times, I’ve put together a list of tips based on my own experiences to help you make friends in a foreign country. 1. First and foremost – say yes to EVERYTHING (within reason). Obviously, if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any way DON’T feel obliged to agree to do something.

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Does learning English make it easier to make friends?

There is a facile assumption that language learning and making friends are connected in a virtuous cycle: English makes it easier to make friends, which in turn improves your language proficiency, which in turn allows you access to ever more widening networks and so on and so forth to the happy point where you speak…

How can I be more confident when I travel abroad?

When you are miles from home, surrounded by people speaking an unfamiliar language and immersed in a foreign culture, it may feel incredibly difficult to be confident and involve yourself in conversations, especially with large groups of people. Nevertheless, try to persevere and make your voice heard.

What to do when you can’t speak English?

Secondly, find a hobby or try something entirely new. Join a dance class (I did this in Spain despite having two left feet), a walking club, a photography class, a gym, or learn to cook the local cuisine – the possibilities really are endless! 3. Another option is to attend language exchanges or find a buddy to practise with.