Which country has Tamil as national language?

Which country has Tamil as national language?

Tamil is an official language of the sovereign nations of Sri Lanka and Singapore, the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, and the Union Territory of Puducherry….Tamil language.

Pronunciation [t̪amiɻ]; pronunciation (help·info)
Native to India and Sri Lanka
Region Tamil Nadu (India) Northern and Eastern Provinces (Sri Lanka)

How many countries national language is Tamil?

Tamil is recognized as a classical language by the Government of India and it is the first recognized classical language in India and it is also one of the 22 official languages in India….Sovereign states.

Country Region Tamil-speaking population
Sri Lanka Asia 5,007,003

Is Tamil national language in Australia?

Australia has no official language. The second most spoken language in Australia is Mandarin, followed by Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Italian, and Tamil.

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Is Tamil official language in Singapore?

In Singapore four languages — Malay,Chinese, Tamil and English — are official and equal languages. Malay is our common language and it is our National Language.

What is the national language of China?

China/Official languages
Mandarin Chinese is known as 普通话 (Pǔtōnghuà), the “common speech,” and it has only been the official language of China since the 1930s, when the country established it as the standard dialect and began pushing to make this a reality nationwide.

What is national language of New Zealand?

EnglishNew Zealand Sign Language
New Zealand/Official languages
Although English is currently the most widely spoken language in New Zealand, Māori and New Zealand Sign Language both formally have special status under the law as official languages of New Zealand. People have the right to speak Māori and New Zealand Sign Language in any legal proceedings.

What is the Tamil population in Canada?

Tamil population by nation

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Country Tamil Population Year
Canada 140,720 2016
United Kingdom 101,000
France 125,000
Réunion 120,000

Which countries speak Tamil?

India. India has two main language families: Dravidian which is spoken by over 24\% of the population and Indo-Aryan (used by 74\% of the residents).

  • Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is home to diverse ethnicities,languages,and cultures with a considerable percentage of the minorities being the Tamil speakers.
  • Singapore.
  • What language is spoken in Tamil?

    Tamil is one of the classical languages of the world, with a rich heritage of literature. It is the most widely spoken language in Tamil Nadu. Besides Tamil Nadu, Tamil is also spoken by a number of people in Sri Lanka , Singapore, Mauritius and Malaysia. The antiquity of Tamil is comparable to Sanskrit.

    What is the origin of Tamil language?

    Tamil(Noun) A person whose ethnic origins come from Tamil Nadu, India or Sri Lanka. Tamil(Adjective) Of or pertaining to the Tamil people, culture, or language. Tamil(ProperNoun) A Dravidian language spoken in the state of Tamil Nadu, India and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia.