Tips and tricks

Which data structure will you use to find nth largest number from an array of numbers and give its time complexity?

Which data structure will you use to find nth largest number from an array of numbers and give its time complexity?

Finding nth largest number (many times) when the array size is increasing. We can easily find the nth largest using the Median of Medians Algorithm in O(n) time complexity.

Which data structure is base to find maximum value from a huge collection of data?

1) findMax(): We get the address of maximum value node from root of Max Heap.

How do you find the largest element in an array?

To find the largest element from the array, a simple way is to arrange the elements in ascending order. After sorting, the first element will represent the smallest element, the next element will be the second smallest, and going on, the last element will be the largest element of the array.

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How do you find the nth largest number in an array in Java?

Find 3rd Largest Number in Array using Collections

  1. import java.util.*;
  2. public class ThirdLargestInArrayExample2{
  3. public static int getThirdLargest(Integer[] a, int total){
  4. List list=Arrays.asList(a);
  5. Collections.sort(list);
  6. int element=list.get(total-3);
  7. return element;
  8. }

How do you find the nth largest number in an array in Python?

Suppose we have an unsorted array, we have to find the kth largest element from that array. So if the array is [3,2,1,5,6,4] and k = 2, then the result will be 5. We will sort the element, if the k is 1, then return last element, otherwise return array[n – k], where n is the size of the array.

What is the kth element?

kth smallest element is the minimum possible n such that there are at least k elements in the array <= n. In other words, if the array A was sorted, then A[k – 1] ( k is 1 based, while the arrays are 0 based ) NOTE. You are not allowed to modify the array ( The array is read only ).

Which data structure is more suitable when you have to regularly pick up the maximum value from a set of numbers?

If the list of numbers is more or less fixed and you don’t need to add new keys very often, then you could store the numbers in a sorted array and use binary search. The speed may be slightly slower than a hash table, but not much. The hash table is the most general solution: always fast, and always appropriate.

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How do you find the three largest elements in an array?


  1. Take three variables; let’s call them first, second and third and mark them as -∞.
  2. Iterate through the array and for each element (let’s call it current), Compare it with the first and if first is less, assign the first value to second and second value to third and assign current to first.

How do you find the KTH largest number in an array?

If we sort the array in ascending order, the kth element of an array will be the kth smallest element. To find the kth largest element, we can pass k= length(Array) – k.

How do I find the largest N in an array?

The usual trick to select the n largest elements is to maintain a min-priority queue.

  1. Unconditionnally insert into the queue the n first elements.
  2. For each remaining element x, insert x if it is greater than the least element of the queue (O(log n) operation), and remove the least element (O(log n)).

How to find the kth largest element in an array?

All of the above methods can also be used to find the kth largest (or smallest) element. // This code is contributed by aashish1995. Choose a pivot number. if K is lesser than the pivot_Index then repeat the step. if K == pivot_Index : Print the array (low to pivot to get K-smallest elements and (n-pivot_Index) to n fotr K-largest elements)

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How do you find the kth largest number in a graph?

1) Use order statistic algorithm to find the kth largest element. Please see the topic selection in worst-case linear time O (n) 2) Use QuickSort Partition algorithm to partition around the kth largest number O (n). 3) Sort the k-1 elements (elements greater than the kth largest element) O (k*log (k)).

How to find the largest element in an array?

Given an array, find the largest element in it. Example: The solution is to initialize max as first element, then traverse the given array from second element till end. For every traversed element, compare it with max, if it is greater than max, then update max.

How do you find the maximum of an array in C++?

The solution is to initialize max as first element, then traverse the given array from second element till end. For every traversed element, compare it with max, if it is greater than max, then update max. // C++ program to find maximum.