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Which doctor should I consult for my height?

Which doctor should I consult for my height?

If your child has growth failure or short stature, even without any other signs or symptoms, your doctor might send you to a pediatric endocrinologist. This is a doctor who specializes in children’s growth and hormones. The endocrinologist will ask about your child’s growth and will do a careful exam.

Can a doctor increase height?

Dr. Shabab Mahboubian isn’t the only doctor who has carried out height lengthening procedures successfully. Earlier this year, a person from Texas increased his height from 5ft11in to 6ft1in at age 28. Thanks to the efforts of Dr.

Which doctor should I consult?

Everyone should have a family doctor or primary care doctor. Beyond that, you may need some other types of doctors depending on your condition. Some people only need to see another type of doctor on occasion. Others, such as people with chronic conditions, may need to see additional doctors more frequently.

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What are the reasons of short height?

The 3 major reasons for short stature are constitutional growth delay, genetics, and disease.

  • Constitutional growth delay. Some children simply develop later than others.
  • Genetics. If one or both parents are short, there’s a strong possibility that their child will also be short.
  • Disease.

What is a lip doctor called?

“Anyone with a problem or concern about his or her lips should visit a dermatologist to get a proper diagnosis and effective treatment.”

Who is the best doctor for height related problem?

Dr Monga is a very good height specialist doctor for height related problem .If most people in your family are average height and your weight below the average then it’s totally possible that you started your gross from being anorexic.

What kind of doctor should I consult for a growth plan?

Consult an Orthopedist, as they are experts in treating any problems related to muscles, joints and prevention and correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system. They will be able to tell you a proper growth plan. Hello. Thanks for the A2A.

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How do I choose the right doctor for my Child’s Health?

Thus, the best place to start is with your child’s primary doctor. Thorough history and physical examination are needed to evaluate factors that can impact growth, such as family history, birth history, diseases and medications.

How often should my child’s height be measured?

How often should my child be measured? According to the March 2000 “Recommendations for Preventative Pediatric Health Care” by the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child’s height and weight should be measured at least at birth, age 2-4 days, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 months, and every year thereafter through age 21.