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Which Ilvermorny house is like Slytherin?

Which Ilvermorny house is like Slytherin?

There’s nothing inherently bad or evil about Slytherins; in another world (or at Ilvermorny), the equivalent of Slytherin house might even be considered the best of the lot. A Thunderbird is ambitious and introspective, soulful in the sense that she looks inside herself when faced with a decision or moral dilemma.

Do Gryffindors and ravenclaws get along?

A Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match produce a balanced relationship, but a Gryffindor may be put off by a Ravenclaw’s risk-averse and independent demeanor. I would think that Gryffindors and Slytherins have the most general potential for friction because both seek glory in their own right.

Which Ilvermorny house is Ravenclaw?

The Horned Serpent
The Horned Serpent Is Ravenclaw.

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What house is JK Rowling sorted into?

And, naturally, J.K. Rowling herself is a Gryffindor. Rowling revealed her house during a livestream in 2012. “I’m now on Pottermore as a regular user.

What is the smartest Ilvermorny house?

We all know the rough characteristics of each Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw is smart, Gryffindor is friendly and brave, Slytherin is ambitious and perhaps a little unscrupulous, and Hufflepuff is open and accepting of everyone.

Why do Slytherin and Ravenclaw have such a bad rivalry?

Some fans speculate that the two houses simply don’t care as much as the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses, which are home to wizards who crave fame and glory. Still, Slytherin and Ravenclaw are easily the houses where the most brilliant wizards are raised, and it makes sense for them to have some serious rivalry as a result.

Are Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw best friend houses?

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are generally the more mellow of the houses, but that doesn’t mean they’re fans of one another all the time. Hufflepuffs are more open to Slytherins and the Ravenclaws are fans of showboats like the Gryffindors, so it’s no surprise they’re not best friend houses. 9 Experimentation Vs.

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Why do Ravenclaws think they are the wisest?

Ravenclaws believe they are the wisest around, simply because of their house affiliation, which seems backward. It should be, Ravenclaw house is the smartest house because it is filled with the smartest people, not if you join Ravenclaw house, you are automatically the smartest person around.

Why aren’t there more Ravenclaw students in the Harry Potter series?

While Luna Lovegood comes in handy once in a while, there really aren’t many notable Ravenclaw students in the series, particularly any who are helpful against Voldemort. This is illogical since it’s supposed to be the house of the smarty pants people.