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Which is best Hunter x Hunter or One Piece?

Which is best Hunter x Hunter or One Piece?

Well in my opinion Hunter x Hunter beats One piece hands down. The plot of hunter x hunter is much deeper than most other long running anime. Even the characters(Gon and Killua) are very well flashed out and it definitely has the best Antagonists (Meruem, Hisoka and Chrollo).

Which anime is better Naruto or One Piece?

Naruto and One Piece are among the most popular and longest anime in history. They are conceptually quite different, as Naruto has a different setting and goal than One Piece. Still, in a comparison between the two, we would say that Naruto is the better anime due to its character development, depth, and overall story.

Which is better hunter or Naruto?

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Hunter x Hunter is the greatest anime of all time in my book. Naruto is great, but it’s barely top 10. Naruto is an all-time great but other classics like one piece, AOT, and FMA, and Death Note are better than it. Naruto also copies some ideas from early HxH, like how Sasuke is literally Killua and Kurapika combined.

Why should I watch One Piece?

One Piece utilizes its characters to the fullest, and never kills off fan-favorites for shock value. Even if the character is a villain, they still are often allowed to survive beyond their initial story arc, which gives them room to grow and mature. Since death is infrequent, they carry real emotional weight.

Is HXH inspired by One Piece?

Gon from Hunter X Hunter reminded some fans of Luffy, partially since both Luffy and Gon follow their previous mentors’ footsteps. In Hunter X Hunter, Gon follows in his father Ging’s footsteps (and Ging’s student Kite’s) to become a Hunter just like him.

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Which is better One Piece or bleach?

Both are great but Bleach. It has better art and characters design, Main protagonist’s journey and way to become an experienced characters is great. And of course side characters are more important than One Piece. I would suggest One Piece over Bleach.

Which is better one piece or Hunter x Hunter 2011?

You tell me which one is better. However, The Hunter X Hunter 2011 anime is much better than the One Piece anime. It features better pacing and animation. Its also not nearly as long which is a benefit to some people who don’t want to watch 950+ episodes.

What is the difference between Naruto and Hunter x Hunter?

On the other hand, Hunter x Hunter is an anime that you either love or hate. Now, let’s look at the differences. Hunter x Hunter is based on how people react and their strategies during fights or complex situations. If you like strategy based fights you’ll probably like this anime more that Naruto.

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Why is Naruto considered better than one piece?

As immediately imaginative as One Piece is, its run with Toei Animation is an infamous one full, full of poor background and character art as well as a few more than noticeable dramatic pauses. Naruto easily surpasses its contemporary here, as most movements between fighting and just emoting are done incredibly well.

What do you like most about the HxH/Naruto series?

– Story arcs – HxH, Chimera Ants is the best manga arc I’ve read, period. – Emotional moments – Naruto, it’s other strenght, anime episode of Shikamaru after Akuma’s death might solo tbh. – Villains – Tough one… Both series have mostly grey villains so lets call them antagonists.