
Which is better 35mm or 50mm lens?

Which is better 35mm or 50mm lens?

Which prime lens is better 35mm or 50mm? The 35mm lens focal length is more versatile when shooting indoors for its wide field of view and capturing more scenery when traveling than the 50mm lens which is more zoomed-in making it difficult to use indoors but ideal for traditional, headshots and portraits.

What is 50mm lens good for?

50mm lenses are fast lenses with a fast maximum aperture. The most basic 50mm lenses are typically F1. 8 – a very wide aperture. This means they are great for low-light photography (e.g. low-light portraiture or indoor shooting) as they allow more light into the camera’s sensor.

Should I buy a 35mm or 50mm lens?

For practical use, however, we suggest you start with either a 35mm or 50mm prime lens. To help you decide which of these two lenses you should pick up first, let’s briefly touch on some of the nuances that set them apart. The 35mm prime lens is a great choice if you’re looking to purchase a wider focal length.

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What is the difference between a 24mm and 35mm prime lens?

In other words, if you want to achieve close to a 35mm look but you’re shooting on a crop sensor body, you should probably opt for a 24mm prime lens. Because of the crop factor, a 24mm prime lens will capture images with closer to a 38mm focal length.

What is the best size of prime lens for photography?

There are other primes to consider that feature wider or tighter focal lengths, of course, such as the 24mm, 85mm, 100mm, 135mm, and so on. For practical use, however, we suggest you start with either a 35mm or 50mm prime lens.

What is the difference between 35mm and 50mm focal lengths?

The 50mm 1.2L is much heavier than the 35mm 1.4L and the metal body of the 50mm provides you with a strong sense of build quality over the plastic 35mm 1.4L. Another thing to consider when choosing between the 35mm and 50mm focal lengths is crop factor.