Tips and tricks

Which is better flight or invisibility?

Which is better flight or invisibility?

Comparison: Invisibility is a useless power in itself. It only confers power over other people and social situations. Flight conveys comparatively little power in social situations or over other people but is an intrinsically useful ability.

What is the superpower where you can read people’s mind?

Omni-Telepathy: The ability to read, sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions.

What is the power of invisibility?

Users can render themselves unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in visible spectrum. The user can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed. Some users can choose to let certain people see them, while staying invisible to others.

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How many leaders choose to fly over being invisible?

We have collected data from 7065 leaders across the globe. 63\% of the data comes from North America, 13\% from Europe, 16\% from Asia and the remainder from other geographies. With a difference of almost three to one, 72\% of our leaders chose the ability to fly over being invisible (28\%).

Is the ability to fly more confident than invisibility?

We compared the confidence level of those who selected the ability to fly versus those who selected invisibility. you can see in the graph below, those who choose the ability to fly are much more confident. When you are flying, you are in the public light.

Is it possible to save the world multiple times?

No, no matter how many times you save the world, mortals are still asking for more. For me, it would have to be the power of time travel! No more embarrassing moments, no more “what-ifs,” ability to change history, etc.

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Which jobs produce the most invisibility?

When we looked at the data by job function we found substantially more variation. Leaders in Sales, General Management, Product Development and Legal produce a significantly higher percentage of people who select the ability to fly, while leaders in Administrative/Clerical and Safety were much more likely to choose invisibility.